Thursday, October 3, 2019

Dominos Pizza Is A Food Industry Commerce Essay

Dominos Pizza Is A Food Industry Commerce Essay Dominos Pizza is a food industry and this is a universal  pizza supply  organization. Its headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. This organization Established in 10 June 1960, in Ypsilanti, Michigan by the two brothers Tom Monaghanand J. Patrick Doyle. It is the second-largest pizza manacle in the United States after the pizza hut. It has more than 9,700 community and authorized stores  in 70 countries and all 50 U.S. states. There is near to 145,000 workers working in this pizzas stores all over world. The menu types equally veggie and meat pizzas, chicken wings and boneless chicken, snacks, pasta, stuffed cheesy breads and a range of dessert stuffs, containing cinnamon sticks and brown lava cubes and a range of soft juices, including Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite. (, 2012) I am making this assessment on Onehunga (nz) Dominos. 1-14 waipaulane, Onehunga. New Zealand Phone:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  0210601627 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ORGANISATION STRUCTURE AND COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. In this dominos pizza organization they have flat organization structure. There are 14 workers working under the store manager. Store manager handle the all staff. The massage goes throw the hierarchy system top to bottom and bottom to top level. In this report I am writing about the organization structure and its communication channels how they communicate with each other. Lines of communication are very formal in this organization its top to bottom and bottom to top in the organization. WORK TEAMS AND GROUP DYNAMICS. In this dominos pizza organization they have very good work team and their group dynamics are very nice. All the staffs do work as a family and try to give their best performance for the company by their communication skills. In this dominos they have hierarchy type of structure in their organization. In this report I am going to write about the work team of the organization and group dynamics. Their team is formed in hierarchy structure like their head office then all franchise then each franchise had one store manager then two manager then crew staff in crew staff they have drivers, customer services representative, pizza cutter and pizza make. Franchise led by head office and store manager and manager are led and managed by franchise and rest of staff are lead and managed by managers. STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION. In this company their communication with their stakeholder is awesome. Because they do not have any barrier between their communication. They talk to their stakeholders directly. In this report I will describe how they communicate with their stakeholders and which communication channel they use. The stake holders of the company are Bidvest who provide them all pizza food stuff, pre-produce who provide them all vegetable products, steam-line who provide them all type of papers like epitome rolling paper. ORGANISATION CULTURE, INTERCULTURE COMMUNICATION, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES. In new Zealand there is different is different cultural people living. In a multicultural country like New Zealand which is home for many different cultures communication have been a challenge for organisations. In this organization there are also many types of person work who belongs to the different cultures. In this report I will describe how they impact on the industry. The store has clear and well-communicated goals, their vision number one in pizza number one in people and mission is sell more pizza, have more fun. All team members take their responsibilities to achieve their mission and vision. COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND TOOLS. In this company they have a fabulous communication technologies and tools. Which help them to improve the communication skills and trained their staff as well. On other hand they up to date their staff by these technologies. In this report I will explain how the technologies help them to improve their business and trained their staff. The technologies they are using in their business, computer and internet used in store, they have their own server and printing and scanners, all technologies are up to date, they received online order and also now people can use android application on phone to put the orders. FINDINGS. I got the all information about this organization from the manager of the company. This is my primary source of information no secondary source of information in these findings. ORGANISATION STRUCTURE COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. The manager told me that they have top to bottom structure in this company. And message goes throw the top to bottom and bottom to top step by step. The lines of reporting are quite straight forward in this organization. Figure MESSAGE MESSAGE TOP LEVEL MESSAGE MIDDLE LEVEL MESSAGE BOTTOM LEVEL He told me that in the organization all staff members understand the importance of their communication roles. He told me that at the top level they have their head office they send them all the new policies of dominos and then franchise review the polices and discus with manager then he explain and discuss information with his bottom level staff. So it goes step by step at different level. They have very effective and beneficial opportunities for top- down and down-up communication, like their head office call them for special pizza classes and their crew staff give the suggestion how they can do more cleaning and manage the store. They do face to face communication emails and send text massage to inform their staff. He told me that there is grapevine going in their store but it is positive they discuss how they can increase the sales and how they can more effectively manage the store. WORK TEAMS AND GROUP DYNAMICS. He told me that in this company they have very nice formed team, who do work together as family. He gave me the information about their team structure that our team is formed in hierarchy structure like our head office, then all franchise then each franchise had one store manager then two manager then crew staff in crew staff we have drivers, customer services representative , pizza cutter and pizza maker. Franchise led by head office and store manager and manager are led and managed by franchise and rest of staff are lead and managed by managers. He told me that they all do work as strong team to ensure productive team performance. They do work as a team so they can get their mission and vision to sale maximum pizzas in the world. When I asked the manager about the initiates all allocates task to staff then manager told me that he initiates all allocates task to staff like who will make the pizza, who will be cutter, staff members are maintain their task which is assigned by manager s. Team output is measured at the end of shift like we make our customer happy with our service we provide pizza on time etc. when I asked him about the how team work well in the practice? Are positive team dynamics evident? Then he told me that we have trained staff so we will do effective efficient and well work in real practice. So they can provide a good service to the customer. I asked him if team does the good work or give the good performance for the company is he or she rewarded then he gave the answer Yes, we declare month of the employee and give him/her 20 dollar voucher as e rewarded. So they can motivate for the company and can do better next time for the company. STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION. Manager gave me the information about the stakeholder communication that they communicate with the stakeholder very easily. He told me that they communicate with suppliers who supply them pizzas stuff and other things via emails and via phone calls. They order them email then they do not need urgent things but when they need some stuff urgently then they communicate with them on phones so they can provide the things as soon as possible. When I asked them who are the stakeholders of your company then he told me that customer, suppliers, employees etc. are the stakeholder of their company. Then I asked him that who is the suppliers of your company? Who provide you food stuff? Then he gave me the answer that Bidvest who provide us all pizza food stuff, Pre-produce who provide us all vegetable products, Steam-line who provide us all type of papers like epitomes rolling paper. These are the supplier of the dominos pizza. After that I asked them that how effective is this communication in practice? How do people outside the organisation perceive it? Then gave the answer that Emails or internet communication is very effective communication in practice because in single second they received our request and also give us response. People outside the organisation perceive positive communication. ORGNISATION CULTURE, INTERCULTURAL CMMUNICATION, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES. Manager told me that organization culture employee obligations are very clear in the organization. The  purpose  of an  organization  is to achieve the goals and objectives as indicated within the  organizations  vision statement. To provide the good customer service is our main purpose and to win hearts by serving delicious Pizzas. When I asked him that does the organization have clear and well-communicated goals? Then he said to me that Yes our store has clear and well-communicated goals. All staff members are trained and they know that how to deal with customers and how to handle the any situation because they all are experienced persons. After that I asked him that what is the vision and mission of your organization. Then he gave me the answer that our vision is that our pizza will number one in people and our mission is sell more and more pizzas how many we can sell and have more fun during the work with each other mean enjoy the work so they can do their work good and easily. He told me that all members of the organization take their responsibilities to achieve our mission and vision. The managers of the organization are well qualified and trained and experienced real leader, they understand leadership and knows what leadership is. He gave me the information about the rules and regulations which are govern this organizations business activities. He said to me that different laws and regulations are governed in dominos pizza. I asked him about the How are issues of privacy, defamation and copyright handled? And he gave me the answer that we do not share personal information of our staff with other organisation and told me that all our staff is well aware of legal responsibilities. They all know about the rules and regulations which are governed in this organization. COMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES TOOLS. I collect the information from the interview that in this organization they use the technology and tool for the good communication. Computer and internet used in store, they have their own server and printing and scanner, all technology are up to date, they received online order and also told me that now people can use android application on phone to put the orders. They also use the technologies in staff training they have online training site where their head office put all the training stuff and they do it online and put it in real practice. Staffs are already trained in communication and other key procedures. All staff has clear guideline for internal and external communication, they put information on their web site and send the email to their staff and in the store they put information on the notice board so the staff can know about their guideline for the both type of factors. I asked him how the organization manages its own information base its core data. Is it secure? Then he gave me the answer that we managed our data in our computer database which is very secure because our information technology department take care of it. Conclusions. In this report in the conclusion I am using primary and secondary both resources. ORGANISATION STRUCTURE COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. In this organization they are using the flat organization structure, which is showing down:- Figure Organization chart is like this in this organization. HEAD OFFICE Franchise Franchise Franchise STORE MANAGER STORE MANAGER STORE MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER STAFF CREW STAFF STAFF CREW STAFF STAFF CREW STAFF In this organization they have a flat organization structure. According to the manager they communicate with each other top to bottom and bottom to top. This structure is very good structure for a small business. The advantages of this structure are like that first of all this is very cheap for the company because in this structure they have not more managers thats why they have to pay less to the managers because they have not many managers. It makes less intensities of organisation.  For example:- LOWER LEVEL MIDDEL LEVEL TOP LEVELFigure In this organization they can do work and take resolutions of any problem easily and rapidly because there is less stages of supervisions. Thirdly wild and strong communiquà © is probable amongst these rare stages of controlling. This structure has many disadvantages as well. Like in this structure there is less manager but has lots of staff thats why manager can lose monitoring over the staff. Secondly the self-restraint in the group may be corrupt due to miss resistor. Thirdly the relationships amongst the bosses and assistants may be ruthless. Local and familiar relationships may not be conceivable. (Akrani, 2011). In this organization they have good staff so they have not any this type of problem with the staff. So this structure is good for this company. WORK TEAMS GROUP DYNAMICS. Communication is the silver lining of team formation and conflict management in any organisation. Effective team work is essential for the achievement of the organisations goals and objectives. If there will be effective communication amongst the team members there will be honesty, integrity and openness which increases the competency of the team members. The result is that their productivity increases which in turn increases the productivity of the organisation. Effective communication plays an important role in a team formation. If there is effective communication in the team the members co-operate, collaborate, cohesive and are committed to the team. Thus, developing and promoting team communication is important in the company. The management should develop strategies aimed at building team communication which ultimately will increase the productivity of the organisation. Team conflict is team members awareness of discrepancies, incompatible wishes which they perceive are irreconcilable (Bowditch, 2008).In this company they are following the hierarchical communication structure. It has many advantages like all the staff know that to whom they have to report about his or her work. Thats why there is no problem create in the communication between the staff because all know about their own work. Bigger groups must achieve a diversity of responsibilities, reaching from social incomes and office to promotion and buying. The ordered organization splits these parts of anxiety into several division conformations that concentrate. Concentration tolerates administrations to focus on certain ability collections and capitals to attain extreme productivity. On the other hand it has lots of disadvantages like ordered organizations have a habit of familiarize gradually to altering wishes. Administrative groups, for sample, regularly arise below passion for keeping f ilms of bureaucracy that prevent variation. Groups that cannot adjust to new marketplace anxieties or progressing machineries in stride with or onward of other groups frequently finish up relegated. This problematic interrupts sufficient societies that a whole pitch of education, named modification administration, has settled. The other disadvantage is that the achievement of an association often rest on the superiority of interior message within it. As categorized structural have a habit of network announcement straight up, interdepartmental or inter-agency announcement hurts. Departmental speciality can top to communiquà © obstacles when no common mumbo jumbo happens that tolerates followers of altered sections to connect on the similar side by side. In worst-case situations, branches resolutely refuse info from every one. (, 2012). In this organization these kinds of problems can be created in the communication. This structure is a good structure but as well as harmful structure for the company. STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION. It is rightly said that it takes years to build a good reputation and seconds to ruin it (Suzanne McDonald). In this organization they are using the emails and phone calls to communicate with the stakeholders like with the supplier they send them the order list via emails some time they call them in the urgent order and with the customer they attend the call of their customer and take the order what they want to eat and get the online orders from their customer as well. This is the technologies which they are using in their business this is good but it has some disadvantages as well. For example advantages are emails are very low-priced and wild way for the organization for send the orders to the suppliers but disadvantage is some time the suppliers got too many emails from the different-different clients thats why they can-not read the emails on time, if you need the order quickly it got delay so which can harmful for the business (, 2012). But they have very good communication with their customer and suppliers. They ask feedback to customers about their services and the quality of pizzas because if there have any problem or complaint, so they can deal with it and solve it as soon as possible. They also give to customers a large variety of different pizzas according to their needs and home delivery. They greet the customer with smile. They provide them good service, good quality pizzas. Different parts of stores are located in different parts of the city there is only one owner, but each part of the store is being assigned a manage r. To communicate with them they use different type of method like verbal method as there is a meeting in each weekend in which all the employees (part time or full time) are participated and all the managers get together and discuss about the various promotions so that they can satisfy the need of the customers. Feedback is one of the most important part which they use to communicate with the customers if they have any opinion about anything they use a blog so that they can tell them about the various things and on the same blog they can use it as to promote different types of pizzas. They communicate with each other via texting and via call during their work. They can talk with the customer so they can get the ideas of the customer so they can increase sales of their store. ORGANISATION CULTURE, INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES. Jawaharlal Nehru on one of his visits to America said If we seek to understand a person, we have to try to put ourselves, as far as we can, in that particular historical and cultural background.It is not easy for a person of one country to enter into the background of another country (Adler, 2008). All business processes involves communication at all levels of the organisation. In a multicultural country like New Zealand which is home for many different cultures communication have been a challenge for organisations. In this organization there is many workers are working right now from different cultures which include Maoris, Asians, Middle Eastern, South Africans, Kiwis and many more ethnic communities. All of them share different cultural values and beliefs. For this the managers have to first know what they dont know and attempt to understand their employees from different cultures. There have been many instances in the company when most of the employees face language barriers. This is so because of the difference in the English language accent of the employees and the clients. So it creates the problems in the organization but they give the training to the staff so they have not any communication problem with the staff, with the customer and with the suppliers. They all have their clear and well-communicated goals, they have the vision that they want to become number one pizza in the world and around the people. They have the mission to sell maximum pizza how much they can. In the end of this part I want to say that there are many berries in the communication but they have well educated staff and well educated leaders who knows about the leadership they can handle the situation e asily. They do work together as family so they help each other if they have any problem with the communication. COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND TOOLS. All occupation and its several constituents include knowledge and appreciative in edict to whole its duties on an everyday source (Cohn, 2000). Communication technologies and tools are that which technologies use in the organization to improve the business and to communicate with the employees, customers, suppliers etc. They are using the technologies computers, internet, phones etc. Computer and internet used in store, they have their own server and printing and scanner, all technology are up to date, they received online order and also now people are using android application on phone to put the orders. They are using the technology to giving the training to the staff for example they have their own web site where the candidate can get the training their head office put the stuff on the site for up to date to the candidate so they can be up to date. They give the orders to their suppliers via emails and via phone these technologies they are using in the company. These technologies helping them to improve their business and to achieve their mission and vision too. If they have any information which is very necessary to know for the staff then vie emails they send them that information. In this organization they are mostly use internet which is very cheap way for contact with anybody and some time they use phones in emergencies. RECOMMENDATIONS. ORGANISATION STRUCTURE COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. Based from observation and secondary interview, lack of parking space will result to less customers and limited time for them to stay at the store to eat. More parking is recommended to make their customer stay larger and learn more about how the organization works and communicate. Interaction with the staff will encourage them to go back on a regular customer. WORK TEAMS GROUP DYNAMICS. I observed that the company is using a formal way of communication, this is effective in their daily operation, let there must be an outlet for them outside work to relax such as having picnic, coffee, company outing etc. This will enhance them from stress and work related problems. This also promotes teamwork and group dynamics. STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION. The management should be more open with the customer feedback and competitions strategy. Talking with them openly will make them gather data that can help them for improvement. Whether a goods, product services or facility reconstruction. Communication will be the key for them to succeed in their operations. ORGANISATION CULTURE, INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES. Less space at dining area will minimise their stay and wont attract family members. Adding and arranging the set up will promote healthy environment open to any age group. Having family members in the store will give them time to share their culture. Employees will likewise improve their customer service. Manager can monitor their ethical conduct by observing how the staff in tract with the customers. . COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND TOOLS. They should have weekly meeting about the improvement for the store. This will let them share their ideas and information to the employees. Use of memo through online will also be an option for the management. VALUE TO ORGANIZATION. The findings about the organization structure communication channels, teamwork and group dynamics, stakeholder communication, organization culture and technologies and tools will help the company identity what improvements they need to do this research will give the management an idea and relevant information about where they stand and have a focus on how to improve their communication skills, get themselves updated on what is going on to the market and by doing these changes that the researcher (ME) recommended, more customer will be attract to go the store, resulting to great profit for the company.

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