Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critically evaluate the role of e-Business adoption models to assess Essay

Critically evaluate the role of e-Business adoption models to assess exisiting eBusiness capabilities of SMEs and make recommendations for future strategy and investment - Essay Example In the olden stages of business, the manufacturer used traditional methods of marketing with advertising in the print and electronic media (Shima & Varfan 2008). And traditional methods uses different channels of distribution such as â€Å"wholesalers and retailers† (Bernard et al. 2010). Thus it involves a huge cost of distribution. The functioning of the business based on the â€Å"Internet and web based technology† is termed as E-business (Andam 2003, p. 5). As the technology advances day by day, it is better to adopt these changes to be successful in the business sector in terms of production and marketing. E-business helps in marketing through reducing the advertisement cost by reaching out to the people â€Å"globally† through the internet by search engines such as Yahoo, Google etc (Chapter 1: Introduction to E-business and e-Commerce n.d.). Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have low man-power and low capital compared to large scale companies. Usually SMEs face difficulties at their initial stage of establishment. Since SMEs play a major role in the economic development of the country, a special â€Å"priority† has to be provided (The New SME Definition User Guide and Model Declaration 2005). Hence a study has to be made on the E-business model and the best among them can be adopted for the enhancement of SMEs. The cost of production and distribution is applicable to both large scale and small scale organizations. But the â€Å"SMEs† face more difficulties in raising funds as their amount of investment is very low (Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovative SMEs in a Global Economy: Towards a More Responsible and Inclusive Globalisation 2004). At present the big and branded companies use â€Å"online marketing† as a selling method, which reduces their huge marketing cost (Eriksen & Hemmingsen n.d.). This technique can be also used by the SMEs. It involves the â€Å"electronic transactions† between a company and the third party (Myers, Fletcher & Gordon

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