Saturday, October 19, 2019

Canine First Aid

Canine First Aid Essay FIRST AID FOR DOGSThe aims and rules of first aidFirst Aid treatment is based on three aims and four rules. Aims1. To preserve life2. To prevent suffering3. To prevent the situation from deterioratingRules1. Dont panic2. Maintain airway3. Control haemorrhage4. Contact a vetThe limitations of first aidThe goal of first aid is to help the patient as best as you can no more than that. First aid should only be used to preserve life until a veterinarian can be found. It must be remembered that not all patients can be saved: some will die. The following is a guide for basic first aid in various situations involving dogs. PoisoningMany items found in the home and garden can be poisonous to animals and it is vital that you know what to do if you suspect the dog has been poisoned. There are three ways for dogs to get poisons into their system:,h Ingestion,h Inhalation,h AbsorptionIt is important to bring the following to the vet if you suspect a dog has been poisoned:,h Packaging,h Note of approximate amount taken,h Time takenThis will help to speed up the process of treating your dog. Ingestion (non-corrosive)If the dog has ingested a non-corrosive poison vomiting should be induced. There are various ways to induce vomiting, these include:,h Salted water,h Mustard and water,h Washing soda,h Rompun injection (by veterinarian),h Wash out stomach (by veterinarian)Ingestion (corrosive)If a corrosive poison has been ingested it is vital that it is given a substance to either dilute or demulcent. To dilute:,h WaterTo demulcent:,h Milk,h Olive oilInhalationIf the dog has inhaled a poisonous substance you should do the following:,h Get into fresh air,h Keep warmWhen the dog gets to the vet they should have oxygen therapy. AbsorptionIf the dog has absorbed poison (such as from chemicals on the fur) the following action should be taken:,h Wash the dog, making sure to wear protective clothing,h Stop the animal from licking itselfIt is important to not use any chemicals when washing substances from the dogs coat. If you are unsure if your dog has been poisonedIf you are unsure if your dog has been poisoned, look out for the following symptoms:,h Breathing difficulty,h Unusual actions,h Digestive upset,h Irregular heart, rapid, or weak,h Shivering,h Convulsions,h SalivationThere are many different types of poisoning; each will affect your dog differently. Many do not produce immediate symptoms. Do not make the dog vomit if it is a corrosive poison or you do not know what kind of poison the dog has consumed. Consult a veterinarian for further instructions. Snake BitesIn the UK there are only two main native species of snake V the non-venomous grass snake and the venomous adder. However, with exotic pets becoming increasingly popular a lot of pet snakes escape from their owners houses V increasing the chance of dogs being bitten. Thankfully, many of these exotic species are non-venomous. Symptoms of snake bites:,h Pain,h Lethargy,h Vomiting,h Diarrhoea,h Salivation, thirsty,h Swelling at the area of the bite,h ShockIf a dog has been bitten by a snake seek immediate veterinary attention. While transporting, immobilise the part of the animal that has been bitten, keeping below the heart level. A constricting band may be used, with caution, to impede the spread of the venom. Keep the animal calm and confined during the transport. If possible try to identify the snake species, as it may be helpful in treatment. Wasp and Bee StingsDuring their life most dogs will be stung by either a bee or a wasp. The following will explain what to do if this happens. READ: Video Games As Art EssayBee StingsBees will only sting once and will leave their stinger in the dogs skin. It looks like a small black hair and if you can find it you should remove it with tweezers. Bee stings are acidic so the sting area should be bathed with a mild alkaline solution such as bicarbonate of soda. Wasp StingsIn most cases wasps will remove the stinger after stinging. The sting is alkaline so the area should be bathed in a mild acidic solution such a vinegar. In all stings a soft, painful swelling will appear. If this occurs in the mouth or trachea a cold compress should be used (e.g.: a bag of frozen peas) and the animal should be taken to the

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