Sunday, August 25, 2019

LSTD206 Capstone Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LSTD206 Capstone Paper - Essay Example This informs the basis of the establishment of sound client-relations policies, which do not only serve as the basis of informing how a firm relates with its clients, but also as a marketing tool for the firm, since good client experience is a recipe for increased customer base for a firm (Brink & Berndt, 2008). Therefore, this discussion seeks to establish the client-relations policies that a legal firm should establish to enhance its client relationship as well as its marketing, communication, advertising, confidentiality and conflict of interest handling. This discussion is important for a legal firm, since it creates insights into the relevant strategies that such firms should apply to enhance a productive relationship with the clients, and thus be able to maintain a secured client base, in the face of the ever increasing competition. Discussion Client reception is the core of productive client-relations policies formulation, considering that it is the reception that clients get when they first visit a firm that determines their first impression of the firm, and the consequent future interactions with the firm (Silk, 2012). This being the case, it is therefore significant to ensure that the receptionists and the customer relationship officers within a firm follows certain guidelines that enhances a positive and productive relationship with the client, which enable the firm to project a positive image to the clients, and thus attract them for further visits and interactions. Thus, courtesy and helpfulness is the basis of the customer relationship policy, where the receptionists and the customer relationship officers address the clients with respect and integrity, while offering the essential help that a client could require (Knackstedt, 2008). While being courteous, respectful and helpful serves to enable the client feel comfortable within the firm and feel valued and appreciated as a stakeholder to the firm, it plays the vital role of enticing the customer to make repeat visits. Thus, courteousness, helpfulness and respectfulness serves both as a client recognition and appreciation strategies, as well as firm marketing strategies that encourages further business. Confidentiality is paramount in the legal relationship business, considering that the relationship between a client and a legal firm entails the discussion of sensitive personal, business or family matters, which should not be introduced to the public domain (Nollkamper, 2008). Thus, a confidentiality policy is vital within a legal firm, to ensure that the relationship between a client and the firm, and the issues discussed between them remains between the two parties, and can only be disclosed whenever it is necessary, may be in a court of law. Through implementing the confidentiality policy, a firm is able to ensure that the customer feels comfortable while dealing with the firm, through the knowledge that the personal and confidential information shared with the firm will remain as such, without any risk of unnecessary exposure (Silk, 2012). Client communications and legal advice is yet another aspect that requires that a policy guideline is established to safeguard the relationship. The policy applicable under this concept

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