Friday, August 2, 2019

Frog Atlas

MACROSCOPIC ANATOMY r——– Snout – – – – – External naris Brows pot Upper eyelid Nictitating membrane ~)f~~~~=:::::::::::::=;E;::: Lower eyelid †¢ Digits of Fingers .. J. —â€Å"‘1~-:S:r– Tympanic membrane Carpus or wrist †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ,~†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ~'l. ldOr— Forearm Upper arm r – – – – – – Median dorsal line . . . – – – – – – Hump (~ fl Cf TID~~ ~N. ir——– Anus WJirfi1il m i T – – – – Thigh ~l-~b~l,~lu,'1: ‘v~Arftb~t. n4 C q ~  ·, -A IV† ID ,- G t>h~ ·LW  ·Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ (M()n:Wq . Olrcl-tv-  ·. A l-y-r; F ctf,,,b ·Ã‚ · Ru'idc r – – – – Shank G(Jil'S.  ·. 91 t1 C ~pt. d :~ ‘. v lll,. g~. rt ,W). tJf!. †¦ ~. ~~ oF. ~::— Prehallux – ! â€Å"V,A(lu:il:l ~ f cJi:h~.! :,;:::>– Dig its of toes J Web –  · Tarsus or ankle _ . ,.. :† M ·)v EXTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE FROG ~——–Darkly are~ pigmented of the skin SwoJ. _J.. en thumb A MALE FROG Ventral view Diffused skin pigmentation †¢-~~–Thumb not swollen A FEMALE FROG Ventral view Met atarsals Astragalus]Tarsals Calcaneum Ischium SKELETAL SYSTEM Dorsal View Transverse process Neural spine Postzygapophysis 2nd to 8th vertebrae (Typical vertebrae) Sacral vertebra 9th vertebra) VERTEBRAL COLUMN Dorsal view ISOLATED VERTEBRAE Neural spine Neural arch Postzygapophysis Neural canal Concavity for articulation with occipital condyle Centrun ATLAS Antero-dorsal view .——–Neural spine ~—–Postzygapophysis Transverse process ~~~~——-Prezygapophysis †¦.. __ _ _ Neural canal ~~——-Centrum TYPICAL VETEBRA Antero-dorsal view centrum SACRAL VERTEBRA Postern-dorsal view Neural canal of the lOth Concavities for articulation lvi th sacral vertebra UROSTYLE Antero-latera! view Exoccipital Occipital condyle SKULL Dorsal view ~————Premaxillae orbit SKULL Ventral view LOWER JAW Dorsal view Anterior cornu Alary process Body Posterior cor-nu Thyroid process HYOID APPARATUS Ventral view ———————- Episternum Clavicle Omosternum Scapula Suprascapula Glenoid fossa. r——-. ::.. ::: PECTORAL GIRDLE Dorsal view Fenestra coracoid Epicoracoid Mesosternum Xiphistermn PELVIC GIRDLE, 1/2 (INNOMINATE BONE) Lateral view Head Deltoid ridge/'~ · Condyle Radio-ulna Longitudinal groove Centrale Ordinary carpals Metacarpals Radiale Ulnare -â€Å"†Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Ëœo'! ;I'J !l:i(tl. =- Phalanges FOREUMB, R1ght Lataral Vtt1111 Tibio-fibula ~- Calcaneum or fib111are Astragalus or tibiale ~–~-AA~.. ,. ,'Hf– Ordinary tarsals Calcar Metatarsals ‘~~~~~~Phalanges HINDLIMB, RIGHT Ventral view ~~~——~-rr—–Temporalis ~~:. ——nm-;. ;y— Depressor mandibula ~~~~~~~~~~~~= =Dorsal1s scapula ~ ~rj;;,r–Cucullaris ~~~? // IH/IJ/II~r-†¦ ;::~=——- External Latissimus dorsi oblique m. mmr————Longiss imus dorsi llfi~~———–Ilio-lumbaris ~~~~~———-Coccygeo-sacralis ~~~~i—==========Coccygeo-iliacus ~ femoris anticus ~~~~wBwm~~———–Gluteus :f'(U~~~ ~::m. ::rn. ———— Vastus externus ~———Triceps n~~~~— femoris Semimembranosus Gracilis minor J:..!!. -.!. —- fi——–Tibialis anticus Tendon of Achilles MUSCULAR SYSTEM Dorsal view Suanentalis is 0tC r. :. ( ·s cutaneous~~~~tfl1 pectoralis Scapulo-humeralis or deltoid s epicoracofaaa– (Anterior pectoralis) –‘†Ã¢â‚¬â€-Pectoralis sternalis AU~——–PeCtoralis ~is (Posterior pectoralis) Linea alba—-~~~~1:~~~——~Rectus abdominis Inscriptiones tend inae tt,_,ie;r vn:;b? ~ .  ·~~i† n;(~~ ~. (. i d

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