Thursday, June 13, 2019

The major issues between Israel and Palestine, in their not being able Essay - 1

The major shortens between Israel and Palestine, in their not being able to reach a peace agreement - Essay exampleHowever, history proved to be detrimental to their mission. The Land of Israel was conquered by Arabs for a millennium and was later renamed Palestine (Isseroff, 2007). Today, the Land of Israel as stated in the white-haired Testament encompasses both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine after it was divided by the United Nations after World War II and the rest, as they say, is a bloody history (Isseroff, 2007).Before discussing some of the major issues in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, it must be noted that it is a conflict that is extremely change in that too many things have happened that have caused each peace agreement to fail. The deep-rooted enmity that has existed in Israelis and Palestinians through the centuries stirs one major issue that it seems cannot be bypassed through several attempts to reach a peace agreement. It is like tryin g to reconcile two archenemies who are not yet ready to make peace with each other, with the level of mistrust increasing with every little wrong move (Bar-On, n.d.). Each camp seems to want to make sure that it is not being cheated, leading to violations in peace agreement stipulations. For instance, the Oslo Accord in 1993 seemed to have been working to keep the peace between the two warring peoples. At least, there were hopes that it would generate enough goodwill between the two opposing sides that a peace agreement can be reached in the geezerhood after (Bar-On, n.d.). But it was not to be as the murder of Prime Minister Rabin, the massive Palestinian terror attacks and Israeli continuous building in the settlements showed how deep and extensive was the drive to prevent a solution, rather than enhance it (Bar-On, n.d.).Aside from the deep hatred each camp feels for the other, the rise of extremist parties, specially Hamas in Palestine, has become Israels most recent scapegoa t in protecting its

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