Thursday, June 20, 2019

Pleaes .Requires.Overview.Paraphrase..Correct grammar Essay

Pleaes .Requires.Overview.Paraphrase..Correct grammar - Essay Example(Pauline and Young 1984, 30) Research methodology is crucial to this research, since it assists the researcher to identify the issues and variables that are alleged(a) to determine and the result as well as the conclusion of this study. Meanwhile it also helps the researcher to envisage how the issues and variables may bring about changes in the impacts (Weinberger 2007). In this research paper, the researcher has attempted to employ a mixed method a term that refers to the use of both the quantitative and qualitative research tools and measures in order to draw consequential conclusions depending on the findings. Indeed a qualitative-quantitative research method focuses on an integrated data collection and analyzing system that inquires into both questionnaire and hearing data and analyzes them in a single study or in multiple studies. (Cresswell et al 2002, 3) In this paper an integrated research method impart be employed to collect data, by dint of both questionnaires and interviews, which are cerebrate to maintenance and stick out factor and to combine, compare and analyze those data using the qualitative-quantitative research tools in the analysis chapter of this paper. ... tial since it enables both the researcher and the readers to focus on the aim of the paper, to guide themselves to the end of the paper and at the same time, to provide the readers with the scope to infer on the declared aims on their own alongside the progress of the research. (Phillips and Phillips 2008) This research paper primarily focused on collecting data that are related to form and maintenance defects as well as their impacts on the maintenance and management of hospital buildings in Saudi Arabia. Secondarily, it explores the concerning roles, responsibilities, obligations, and liabilities of the agents who are involved in the design and maintenance performance. Last but not the least, the projects hu manistic aim was to make the people related to the Hospital buildings design and maintenance aware of the drawbacks and defects and to enable them to play significant roles in the economic and social well-being of Saudi Arabia by encouraging reform and improvement in the design and maintenance protocols associated with hospital buildings in the region. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PLAN The realms that this research projected had targeted to focus on were of two different qualities. The maintenance area of this research project involves peoples, perception of the convenience of the building, who used the buildings more or less frequently. Therefore data for this area were collected and analyzed through the qualitative research method. Again due to the technical nature of the design defects, the data in this area will be collected and analyzed through quantitative method. Indeed both of the two research methods have merits and demerits. In the following discussion, the research methods adva ntages, reliability, validity and limitations will be discussed

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