Friday, May 22, 2020

Macbeths Cruelity in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay - 595 Words

Macbeths Cruelity in Shakespeares Macbeth William Shakespeares play Macbeth written in 1605-1606, is a brilliant and dramatic piece of art about how the Scots and Macbeth butchered the whole Danish army. People set high goals or purposes with significant meaning in Shakespeares time. People back then set their goals by working very hard to get better or getting done what they set out to achieve. People did anything and everything to get a better job or get wealthier back then. Many people told lies to their employer to advance in their jobs. Also, others purposely did things to their fellow workers to get them in trouble so they could get higher on the latter at work. The characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in the play did†¦show more content†¦When King Duncan arrives, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth start planning a plot to kill him. Macbeth begins to get cold feet about the plot to kill Duncan soon after. Lady Macbeth takes on the role here as being the head of the family by forcing and convincing her husband to go on with the plan. Once again, Macbeth is bothered by self-doubt from his fear of retribution in heaven and on earth by getting his reputation shattered. Lady Macbeth pours scorn upon Macbeth by his lack of courage. She says he is a coward and that her own lack of pity will make her kill her own baby as it suckled at her breast, if necessary. This statement and her powerful words convince Macbeth to carry out their plan to kill Duncan. Finally, Macbeth gets up the courage and bravery to kill Duncan as he and Lady Macbeth intend to do. After Macbeth kills King Duncan, he starts to fear that someone might have seen or heard him. Lady Macbeth, once again, comforts and helps him get through his fears and frustration by her powerful words and actions. After Macbeth kills King Duncan, he brings back the daggers that he meant to plant on the guards. Macbeth is scared about having killed Duncan and cannot go back to plant the daggers because he is ashamed of what he did. Once ag ain, Lady Macbeth calms him down and goes back to plant the daggers herself. Also, Macbeth believes that he has murdered sleep and that he will never again be able to sleep easily and be at rest in his

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