Monday, September 30, 2019

Narrative Interview Essay

The person that I interviewed is Sarah Arsenault, she is a registered nurse that works at Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3). Among the things that caught my attention to interview her are: the preparation that involves being any type of practionner of medicine. How to be prepared to act in any different type of situations involving health matters. During the interview Sarah was very kind and gentle, we had a very nice sort of conversation instead of a strict session of questions and answers. We got along in a great way and the conversation allowed me to get to know about how nursing is in the United States. At the same time she was very open about her experiences and at some times even about her personal life. As soon as the interview started we were exchanging very funny comments, some about the questions that I asked, others about present issues and even one about â€Å"booze† or alcohol. It took me about 25 minutes to finish the process, this is probably because we had a fluent and nice conversation and not just went to straight to the matter. To start I asked about what inspired her to become a nurse, â€Å"My mom, she replied, growing up and watching her knowledge about the human body†, that resulted very exciting to Sarah and had influence in her choice of career. She explained to me the requirements to complete the nursing career; she studied at TC3 for 2 years to obtain an associate’s degree in order to become a nurse. At the moment she is studying to complete a bachelors degree. She made a joke about men being nurses; she said that still in these times is a bias for a man to be a nurse, although the number is slowly increasing in the US. Sarah loves her schedule at TC3, â€Å"great hours compared to a hospital† she said. When I asked her about how she deals with complaining patients her answer was: â€Å" With humor and telling them that they are being rude, if you want my help respect me†. After dealing with her patients Sarah feel a sense of satisfaction, joy perhaps, because being helpful makes her feel good, she  also appreciates the feedback from past patients. She expressed that she didn’t want to become a doctor because of the length of school here in the US. Among the rewarding things about her job are making relationships with people and the feedback they give her. When she feels stressed she likes to talk it out with her co-workers, a couple jokes and then all its fine. It was curious because when I asked this question her immediate answer was â€Å"Drinking† but we both knew it was a joke so we laughed for about a minute or so. This moment made her more confident and open towards me. She likes working with others over working by herself because she is a people’s person. Overall Sarah’s personality is very kind and open. I liked doing the interview because I learned a lot about nursing, their purposes, kindness and their willingness to help others. To me the interview was very clear and sincere. Sarah is a straight up person that talks in a direct form about every subject but at the same time enjoys helping others with her service and knowledge. To talk about nurses is a very important topic worldwide because they play a central role in delivering health care to the people. They promote health, educate patients about illness and injury, provide care and assist in cure. These are critical matters all around the world. Overall nurses provide many different services and this results very positive for society in general. This and many other reasons were the ones that made me one to interview a person involved in this world, in this case Sarah Arsenault. I am very glad to have performed this interview because now I see things related to this matter from a very different perspective than the one I had before.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Case for Active Euthanasia

Death is deeply personal, generally feared, and wholly inescapable, but medical technology now can prolong our biological existence virtually indefinitely, and, with these advances, comes the question of whether we should pursue the extension of life in all cases. Most people would agree that, under certain circumstances, it would be preferable to cease our hold on life. Nearly everyone can agree that there are situations when terminally ill patients have the right to call for a halt to life-extending treatments, and that their physicians will have the moral obligation to comply.What appears to be quite difficult for us as a society to come to terms with is the thought that someone would actively intervene in the â€Å"natural† process of the death of another human being. Why is it tolerable, even desirable, to intervene in the â€Å"natural† process of death when it results in extending life, but intolerable and morally abhorrent when we act to speed the patient to his or her unavoidable death? In this paper I am going to argue that active euthanasia should become legal in certain circumstances.To do this I will argue that, in the situation of terminal illness, active euthanasia allows for the patient to end the suffering and should therefore be permissible. Secondly, I will examine a case where someone has survived a life-changing accident and wishes they had given a choice to live or die. Perhaps the most important issue at hand is the patient's right, willingness, and desire to die. For the most part, any random, healthy individual would most likely be unable to imagine or comprehend the type of pain and anguish that a terminal illness will cause.Therefore, the decision to live or die under the presence of certain, and probably painful, death should be left in the hands of the individual that is suffering. Taking its name from a Greek term meaning â€Å"the good or easy death,† euthanasia should represent exactly that. The decision to l ive or die does not belong to anyone but to the person whose life it is. According to Kantian ethics, autonomy is based on the human capacity to direct one’s life according to rational principles. Autonomy is where people are considered as being ends in themselves in that they have the capacity to determine their own destiny and must be respected.Having one's entire life slowly drained from oneself is frequently considered the most excruciating of tortures. Yet somehow the right to bring peace to oneself through a slightly unconventional method is repeatedly denied. It has been assumed since the dawn of the medical profession that the doctor's place is a healer, as the ones to cure all illnesses. A physician is seen as the one who is supposed to maintain and prolong ones health, as best as they can until no more can be done. This means that, if all treatment fails, the physician should be allowed to assist in avoiding the unnecessary agony.James Rachels’ article, calle d â€Å"Active and Passive Euthanasia,† uses the equivalence thesis. He believes that killing and letting die are equally as bad, that there is no real moral difference in certain circumstances. He distinguishes killing as active euthanasia and letting die as passive. I am going to argue that, in most cases, passive and active euthanasia are equally as â€Å"bad,† and sometimes passive is more morally wrong than active euthanasia. Rachels argues that there may be times when active euthanasia is more merciful than passive.This is often in cases with incurable cancer or disease that, if you were to stop the treatment, the patient would die within a few days. I am going to argue that active euthanasia can be more merciful by giving an example of an incurable disease. Imagine that an elderly woman is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The doctor tells her that although it is incurable, there is medicine that can help lessen the symptoms. Imagine that when it is fir st starts, things like relaxing, reading a book, and sitting still are no longer relaxing, as a tremor that has started in her hand, arm, or leg.Soon her muscles become rigid and what used to seem like an easy task is no longer so. As the disease progresses, the medicine required to keep the muscles from going rigid has a side effect of dyskinesia (involuntary movement of the body). This becomes a balancing act – she must be able to tolerate the dyskinesia in order to be able to still move her muscles. As the disease advances more, she has spouts of dementia that will soon take over completely; trouble swallowing (often choking on food) and talking, and she can no longer stand or walk on her own.She needs help going to the bathroom and is often humiliated by the need to depend on someone else entirely. As the dementia comes and goes, she able to tell her family how unhappy she is and that she no longer wants to live. The family understands and wishes for her to no longer suff er, however, for this to happen, she must suffer without medicine with no promise to immediate death, just complete rigidity of her muscles. All of these symptoms seem horrifying to those not experiencing it, and humiliating and frustrating for those that are.The life she used to live is completely gone and she rarely remembers what her family members do as a living and is stuck remembering the past. Would it not be torture to put her through staying alive, realizing that every time she becomes lucid she hates her life and realizes she has no control over it? However, stopping medicine in this case will not kill the patient, and will only result in rigidity of the muscles and inability to move. What choice is she left with? In this situation active euthanasia should be permissible. Often in times like these the family is also suffering due to the pain of their family member.When the person has an incurable disease, knows that they are not happy and that things will get worse, it wou ld be unfair to keep them alive due to selfishness and what we believe is â€Å"right. † It is ultimately the person’s choice and should be kept this way, as it is their life. One might argue that in this case the dementia prevents the patient from being fully reasonable and therefore autonomy cannot be used in this situation. I argue that when she lets her family know she is unhappy and does not want to live this way, she is coherent.Shouldn’t this person be given the right to make this choice when they are still capable, before people start speaking and making choices for their life? Furthermore, it is often argued that the side effects (such as how it will effect the family and friends, Glover) of death are what really influence a decision. In John Hardwig’s article â€Å"Duty to Die,† Hardwig argues that there are times when a person has a duty to die. His argument covers what many of us believe to be a reason for someone to stay alive- for our own well-being.A duty to die is permissible when the burden of caring for someone seriously compromises the lives of those that love us (Hardwig). In the Parkinson’s situation, the family will need to help the woman often and if not themselves, will need to hire someone to care for her all the time as the disease progresses. This can be a large financial burden on the family. There are many cases out there where autonomy was not respected. One great example is the Dax Cowart case. Dax was involved in a terrible accident in 1973 when he was twenty-five years old.He was critically injured in a propane gas explosion that killed his father and left Dax with burns to over sixty-five percent of his body including both eyes, ears and hands, which were damaged beyond repair. Large doses of narcotics were required for minimal pain relief. For more than a year, he underwent extraordinarily painful treatments. From the day of his accident, Dax expressed a desire to die, to leave the ho spital and to end his suffering. He pleaded with his caregivers to be allowed to die, and also stated several times that he wanted to kill himself.The physicians turned to his mother to obtain consent for all his treatments, even though she was not appointed his legal guardian and Dax was determined by psychiatric evaluation to have full decision-making capacity. Ultimately, he recovered from the burns, although severely mutilated. He successfully sued the oil company responsible for his burns, which left him financially secure. He eventually finished law school and married. He says he is now relatively happy, but still believes the doctors were wrong to follow his mother’s wishes over his. The case advanced respect for patient autonomy all around the country.The case of Dax Cowart illustrates the complexity of issues such as autonomy, paternalism, and quality of life. In an interview of Dax twenty-five years after his accident, Dax is absolute that he would still want the sa me choice if he were to be put in the same situation he was in. He stated, â€Å"Another individual may well make a different decision. That’s the beauty of freedom; that’s his or her choice to do so† (â€Å"Please Let Me Die†). Unfortunately, while the attitude remains the same about active and passive euthanasia, nothing will change for those who are fighting for the right to end their lives.One should have the right to autonomy without being violated and should be allowed to decide when it is their time to go in cases that include terminal illness. How is it morally just to make someone suffer a disease that is killing them just because we may not think it’s right to die? I hope that throughout this paper you have been able to see a different side to what active euthanasia can bring (peace to those suffering). Glover, Johnathan. â€Å"Sanctity of Life. † Bioethics: An Anthology. By Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1999 . 66-75. Print. Hardwig, John. â€Å"Duty to Die? † Duty to Die? Hastings Center Report, n. d. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. ;http://web. utk. edu/~jhardwig/dutydie. htm;. â€Å"Please Let Me Die. † Interview by Robert White. Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database. NYU School of Medicine, n. d. Web. 3 Oct. 2012. ;http://litmed. med. nyu. edu/Annotation? action=view;annid=10105;. Rachels, James. â€Å"Active and Passive Euthanasia. † Bioethics: An Anthology. Ed. Helga Kuhse. By Peter Singer. 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1999. 288-91. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Drugs among youth.3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Drugs among youth.3 - Essay Example ng, the methodology used by (Knyazev) is a good example because the research participants were asked to complete personality questionnaires in addition to different questions regarding their relationships with their family members and friends. Kirst, Erickson, and Strike (135) have demonstrated the characteristics of their research participants stratified by their gender. Similar approach can be adopted to stratify the characteristics of the research participants of this research by their age and gender. Hadland et al. (490) have presented the popularity of different kinds of drugs among the research participants belonging to different samples in the form of a graph. The same graph can be plotted for the causes of drug abuse and the different groups of research participants on the basis of their age and gender while presenting the results of this research. Since the data collected for this research will be analyzed and the results will be presented in the form of a blog post, tables, graphs, and charts will be used to present the results. Once the data has been collected from the research participants using the aforementioned tools, it will be analyzed with the help of SPSS Software. Recordings of the interviews priorly conducted with the research participants will be heard and their responses will be summarized under different headings, that would henceforth be referred to as variables. Using the software’s features, correlation among the variables will be found out. The variables will include both the responses of the research participants gained from the interviews and their characteristic features like age and gender as identified from the demographic survey. In addition to that, the relative importance index of the different causes of drug abuse will be identified. One the data has been analyzed, it will be presented in the form of a poster. The blog post will contain a chart showing research participants belonging to different age groups and genders, and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25

Business - Essay Example The employees working in the campus has the facility that they can have free food any time they want, they can give their clothes for dry cleaning and can use the gym in order to maintain their health (Emerson, 2012). The employees have the facility that they can work on their own idea in the 20% of the time that is allocated for them to become innovative and do whatever they want so that they can expand as well. Google allows the employees to take leave for a year or two without being paid, but this way they can try to launch their own idea (Emerson, 2012). The company gives all the employees special attention and apart of basic benefits, some other benefits are also given to the employees that are on-site medical facility, Japanese washrooms, swimming pools, conference bike, free haircut, ball pits etc (Emerson, 2012) . Emerson, R. (2012, January 31). Googles Best Benefits: The Top 7 Perks Google Offers Employees. Retrieved June 30, 2012, from

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bonus Assignment #1 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bonus Assignment #1 - Case Study Example Gwaltney, chairman of the board of Gwaltney Mortar Company and Richard J Holland, board chairperson and the C.E.O. In addition to those we have Rodger R. Kapella, C.E.O and president of Patrick Cudahy, Robert W. executive V.P, Wendel H, president and board chairman of Murphy Farms, Inc., P. Edward Schenk, president and C.E.O of Gwaltney of Smithfield, Ltd., and Aaron D. the V.P., Treasurer and Secretary of the company. Joseph W. Luter is the C.E.O and the chair of the board. I think the chair/ C.E.O of the company is exception because he has 81% of the stock capital. The directors of the company receive a lot of cash compensation for participating in the board meeting. The Smithfield Company has a nomination committee that is in charge of all the nomination processes. All the stockholders nominate the company’s directors. I think that the appointment procedure is independent because the nomination committee is credible. The audit committee is made of Messrs. Faison and Murphy. Independent public accountants assist the committee in financial matters. By meeting nine times is enough for them to achieve their financial and other obligations. Joel Greenberg joined the Smithfield board in the year 1987. Richard J, Holland is a Board chair and the C.E.O of the Farmers Bank. In the fiscal year 1992, the executive committee attended no meeting. The Smithfield C.E.O had 81% of the stock capital, which is incomparable with that of other directors. Besides the C.E.O., we have other directors with insignificant shares hence decision-making was by the C.E.O. Over a number of years the governance structure has changed a lot and for the better of all. If the development continues, the company is expected to improve in terms of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Countervailing duty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Countervailing duty - Essay Example Countervailing duties are tariffs or tax charged by an importing country to the country of origin. These duties are basically being imposed on the basis that the produce or products being exported were subsidized disproportionately. By doing so, the importing country can neutralize the effects of unfair trade practices. Countervailing duties work in different ways. These can be levied on imported goods from producers who were not subjected to sales taxes or turnover taxes. Countervailing duties may also be imposed on the domestic production of sale of goods for the benefit of foreign manufacturers. Generally, the idea of countervailing duties is protection both of the importers and exporters. However, in the framework of uneven development, how possible can the concept of fairness be pursued? Many believes that along with other trade instruments, the concept and implementation of the countervailing duties can be prone to abuse and misuse. Furthermore, countervailing duties may only s erve few giants of trade but may be irrelevant to small export-oriented countries falling under the bracket of so-called less developed and developing countries. This paper aims to delve on the analysis of the countervailing duties based how these are being implemented, enforced and resolved under the umbrella of the World Trade Organization. Also, this paper will give particular emphasis on the practices of the United States of America, as a country that tails countervailing duties forcefully1 compared to other countries in the world. I. Brief presentation on the development of countervailing duties The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) There were only two provisions in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade that categorically regulate subsidies. These are Articles VI and XVI. GATT Article VI principally provides that the importing country may levy countervailing duties on subsidized imports if these may threaten or be the source of material injury to an established domestic industry2. This Article generalizes the rules on the application of antidumping and countervailing duties. It disapproves the export-sales under normal value, especially when these cause or threaten the material injury. It also describes the basis for the determination of sales below normal value: when export price is less than comparable price. According to Article VI, when these criteria are fulfilled, the importing country is entitled to levy an antidumping duty3. This Article however has been open to different interpretations and inconsistent practices due to its profound formulation. Much more, countries like Canada and the US, despite being the two of the biggest users of antidumping duties excuse themselves from being bound to this provision asserting that their domestic antidumping laws were much ahead of the GATT. Meanwhile, Article XVI stipulates that all subsidizing countries, either the increase their exports or reduce their imports are duty-bound to be notifie d and follow a consultation procedure for limiting subsidization that may cause prejudice to other countries4. However, because Article XVI was stated in a slack one-paragraph provision, this article was widely taken for granted by many countries on the basis that states were reluctant if not playing it safe as the gesture for

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

When I learned English in Canada. Personal experience Essay

When I learned English in Canada. Personal experience - Essay Example The language skills I had to acquire in Canada were completely strange to me. I had to learn English which was a new language to me. Everyone around me was speaking in English which sounded and looked weird to me. Growing up in Saudi Arabia never gave the interest of learning English. In my home country, the knowledge of English was not significant in the daily life. With or without knowledge of English language one was able to get along pretty well without noticing one had a deficiency in one of the world’s significant languages. Coming to Canada, however, brought up a new scenario. English is the main language and in order to have a comfortable life I had to learn English. I had knowledge of some English words. I could mildly understand when someone addressed me in English. But I could not give them a reply in English. I used to have a bit of understanding of English but I did not have any interest in having any communicating skills in the language. While in Canada, I had to develop both listening and speaking skills that could help me survive in my new environment. I have spent three years in Canada, and my progress in terms of learning English has been significant. At the moment, I can construct sensible sentences in English. This is contrary to what I could do within the first few months I was in the foreign country. When I first came to Canada, I went to Toronto so that I could access materials to help me learn English. Being one of the major cities in the country, the access to learning materials was easier. However, I had to move out of the city to start my education. I moved to a province known by the name Sult ste Mrie. It was a few kilometers away from Toronto, but the development in this town was almost comparable to the one in Toronto. The town was energetic but small and filled with more leisure activities than Toronto. In this town, I could see more foreigners which made a little more comfortable. At one point as I walked around the town I came across a Saudi Arabian national talking fluently to some of the locals. This intrigued me and gave me hope of learning English and becoming an integral part of this new society. Apart from learning English I had need for education that was offered in Canada. This hope was made bleak with my little knowledge of English which was used in most schools. I had to first learn proper English then pursue my career I wanted. I enrolled in Algoma University. At this institution, I only had the aim of learning English. It was my time in this institution I met with many other foreigners who could not speak and write fluent English. This made me even more comfortable since I found people with the same weakness as mine. This common feature brought us closer to each other as we found some unique ways of communication. Just as I was, all students in my class had the urge of learning English. This urge made us more of a team than classmates. The communication between us could be easily confuse d a sign language or a secretive language. Individuals with the vast knowledge of English would listen to us but never understand what we were talking about. In some occasion, our English tutor was the referred to as the only sane person in our midst. However, with what we had in mind, heart and soul, we could not let this deter us from achieving what we had come for in Canada. The whole new experience in learning English was incredible as for the first time I felt I was becoming part of my environment. Regardless of where I came from, I could look at people as I walked across streets and see we belong to this world under the same denominator. Suddenly, I gained the confidence the locals had. I could walk into a restaurant

Monday, September 23, 2019

Disaster Response & Recovery Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Disaster Response & Recovery - Case Study Example In addition, a center for intelligence, training design, preparedness, technological enhancements, and strategizing should be created. It should perform researches, strategize, plan, and organize leadership training programs and seminars. The regular intelligence gathering and planning allow the current procedures to cater to the possible threats that may materialize in the future (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Next, general guidelines on tactical directions should be created by the EMA. There should be a particular response for HazMat, chemical attacks in subways, as well as biological, radiological and nuclear attacks. Rescue measures during collapse, explosions and under-river tunnel operations (if applicable) should also be designed (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Subgroups of individuals with the appropriate skills and knowledge for these objectives can be tapped to focus on these tasks. Safety of the respondents should also be considered. Adequate equipment, ef ficient communication, and safe procedures all contribute to the safety during disaster situations. ... It should be able to simulate a terrorist attack. It aims to widen the analytical, leadership and decision-making skills, especially in a stress-packed environment (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). This is where research efforts come in. Knowing what the terrorists are capable of doing can aid significantly the preparation of the city. Information infrastructure becomes much more vital since self-organizing groups are more common in the cities. In addition, this can be used to tap the citizenry that can provide financial support and blood reservoir after catastrophes. It was found that ample social support improves emergency response significantly (Kapucu, 2012). It should also be included in the long-term plan of the EMA to supplement the knowledge and experience in terrorism studies and leadership of the respondents. The U. S. Military Academy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center, and Center of Homeland Defense offer c ourses regarding terrorist response. In return, the EMA and its participating agencies can hold seminars to the public, especially to individuals of a related profession, in an effort to make them more aware and prepared. They can also apply their learning to the overall preparation for terrorist attacks (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Security improvement in vulnerable sites Individualized security systems should be implemented for subway stations, airports and other facilities where large people gather, as well as industrial enterprises, such as food, computer, electricity generating stations, oil refineries, and nuclear fuel storage facilities (Kumarl, 2012). In particular, disaster situations in HazMat facilities should be responded by personnel especially trained for it.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men Essay We know this because Candy says ‘boss gives him hell when he’s angry’ about Crooks. Also, Curley’s wife is called ‘tart’ and ‘jail bait’ purely for being a woman. An air of bitterness hangs throughout the book, majorly from these two minor characters; both brought on by loneliness and lack of communication skills. The difference in these characters is that Curley’s wife is open about her loneliness, out looking for company, however Crooks isn’t so fond of letting people know he is lonely, he’d rather just let it go; this is until he finds that Lennie is actually good company, and it is better to have someone there to talk to. Another form of their bitterness is shown through their own mean comments, for example Curley’s wife is racist to Crooks, making the remark that shows her true feelings towards him and his race. Also, Crooks isn’t so kind to Lennie at the start of part 4, tormenting him about George, telling him he would get locked up if George never came back. Although in some ways Curley’s wife is higher up in society that Crooks, Crooks still has a job which women weren’t allowed, not on a ranch anyway. Though black, Crooks was still allowed to work and get paid, without having to marry just to have income. Curley’s wife is made to seem more of a threat by George: he tells Lennie to stay away from her and calls her vicious, sexist names, ‘tart’ and ‘jailbait’ and ‘trouble’. However he never makes comments about Crooks, or about how Lennie shouldn’t go near him, suggesting that he wouldn’t do as much harm to Lennie, or possibly that he is less important than Curley’s wife. Despite being seen as trouble, Curley’s wife could get Crooks in trouble even if he didn’t do anything, Crooks could not do this to her as she was seen as more important in the eyes of the law. Even not taking the law into consideration, the ranch hands probably viewed Crooks as more important, but being married to Curley, would probably have to treat Curley’s wife with more respect if she made accusations against Crooks. Throughout the book there is a parallel of dreams. This ties in with the American Dream, a dream that nearly everyone in America had, and was wildly advertised as ‘the American Way. ’ These two minor characters both had dreams, just like everyone else. However, unfortunately, they’ve both had their chance, Curley’s wife was offered a shot in Hollywood, and thinks that was it for her as she never got the reply she was hoping for. Crooks believes that he has already lived the dream throughout his childhood, so, just like Curley’s wife, he has no shot at a new dream. Themes play a large part in the structure of this novella, weaving in and out of the storyline the whole way through. Main themes like dreams and loneliness are featured the most; however nature, death and friendship also show. Social hierarchy played a large part in society in the 1930’s, as it still does, however not as prominently as back then. Anyone that wasn’t white was instantly looked down on and given fewer rights. Women were seen as sexual objects. With friendship playing a large part in the novella, loneliness also played a part. In particular, Crooks and Curley’s wife were lonely, Crooks is unable to show this at first whereas Curley’s wife is fully able as she is always looking for company. ‘The American Dream’, the major dream all across America to defeat the Great Depression, and to find a place of your own, earning a sufficient amount of money. It starts off just introducing to us the dream of George and Lennie: their dream, like everyone else’s, to get a place of their own and to ‘live of the fatta the lan’ ‘. This later progressed to having Candy involved. After the shooting of his beloved dog he realised that once he gets too old to work he will too be gotten rid of, not as brutally, but still ‘canned’. This also showed a theme of death, and lack of sentimentality. After Candy, Crooks finds an opening for him to join the dream, however soon backs down as he realises this isn’t the best idea. We also realise the dream of Curley’s wife: to be off somewhere in Hollywood, the opposite of where she is now, with someone she doesn’t even like never mind love. She is also lonely; it probably being her dream to have someone to talk to which she never has on a lonely ranch. ‘Soledad’, ‘solitaire’, ‘Weed’ all show ‘sol’- lonely, or ‘Weed’ being the place that George and Lennie lived, and a weed is a plant that no one wants. Bad language curses the novella, giving a real sense of the harsh reality of the 1930’s. ‘Nigger,’ ‘Son-of-a-bitch,’ ‘bastard’ are all words used throughout the book to describe characters in vulgar, often racist ways. Also ‘tart’, ‘jailbait,’ and ‘trouble’ are used to describe Curley’s wife, in the innocence of her life she must put up with these judgemental names that she doesn’t deserve just for having a less preferred gender. All of these curse words show the reality of the language used in ranch life, releasing any anger one had as a result of the hard times they were going through. Many of the men would rub off on each other, so language would only get worse. Crude language and swearing would circle the ranch until everyone was using it and it became a normal vocabulary for these poorly educated men. As well as using curse words, the way Steinbeck actually wrote the book helped to give a sense of the times. ‘†¦he had thin, pain –tightened lips, which were lighter than his face. ’ ‘Pain-tightened’ can only be describing the difficulty in Crooks’ life, he is so lonely and bitter that he has forgotten all communication, which must be such a difficult thing for a social being, however he stays quiet as he has no other option. As we know, racism was a large part of society. This was not only shown through the racist remarks that are made to Crooks throughout the book, but also how Crooks isn’t fully introduced until part four of the novella. This shows his lack of importance and meaning in the story, and that he is just a side character, merely helping to keep the ranch together, and that is it. Not anyone’s friend. Not any reason other than ‘the stable buck’s a nigger’ for him to be mentioned. When this minor character is introduced, he is introduced in such a way that we can straight away grasp his true personality and really understand who he is. His belongings show his inner personality, and his lack of hope to move on with his life, and that even though he is hardly mentioned as an important character, he is probably the most likely person on that ranch to never leave. Moving on from Crooks, Curley’s wife is also described in a way that says a lot about her visual appearance, showing that she probably cares more about what she looks like on the outside than what she is like on the inside. ‘She has full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made sup. Her fingernails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages. She wore a cotton house dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers. ’ No match for ranch life, Curley’s wife enters the book also majorly in part four, displaying her unimportance. She makes a storm as she gives the unforgivable comment to Crooks, showing that she is not only heavily made up on the outside, but also heavily made up on the inside, in that she thinks she is better than him, and almost big headed. To conclude, I feel that the novella truly did show the hardship of the 1930’s, and what these men went through. The social + historical context, character description, language, themes and structure all piece together to make an unforgettably moving novella. I feel that the parallels through the book e. g. the book starting with life on the Salinas river, then ending with death in the same place, the parallels through George killing Lennie as he is a true friend who truly cares about him and wants the best for him. I feel that Crooks and Curley’s wife did say unforgivingly nasty things to others, however, given the times, probably didn’t mean a word of it, and were both trying to prove their status, showing that where you are in social hierarchy was very important to them as it was probably all they had left. I do sympathise for them as they are, like everyone else, in need of company. Overall, taking the title into account, no matter how big or small you are, fate is always against you.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Motivation Letter Essay Example for Free

Motivation Letter Essay I am new to this forum. While searching for samples of motivation letters, I came across many threads on this forum regrading this issue. I am a Syrian student, and this scholarship is so important for me because I can no longer complete my studies in Damascus. In the ranking criteria of this scholarships, the motivation letter has 20% of the application grading scheme. For this reason I need to make it as good as possible. Unfortunately I am new to writing this kind of letters, so I hope for some help. To make my letter clear, I just want to tell that the host university I chose is Technische UniversitÃÆ' ¤t Berlin. I am allowed to write up to 4000 characters. Here is my letter, â€Å"Where there’s a will, there’s a way,† one of the best proverbs I follow to achieve my goals and ambitions, starting from my early teenage. Since I was a student in the intermediate school, the major of study I wanted to take after high school was clear to me. Many difficulties faced me, but I could overcome all to achieve my dream in studying the major I want, Computer Science. I used to live in Lebanon during my childhood and teenage, but in 2006 the war obliged me to leave and move to Syria, my homeland. It was quite difficult to complete studying in the Syrian schools because of the huge differences between the Syrian and Lebanese curricula. Yet I succeeded, and graduated from high school with an average of 99.16 percent. In Syria, it is well common that the higher the student’s average is, the more probability the he/she chooses the faculty that requires high averages in high school, usually regardless what the student’s dream is. According to my average and this tradition, I was supposed to get into the major with the highest average, medicine. Yet I chose to get into the faculty of Information Technology Engineering, as the closest major to Computer Science (because this major is not found in Damascus University), ignoring all criticisms and oppositions I received. During the last three years of my study in this major, I gave very hard efforts. But unfortunately as the revolution started, its consequences had a negative affection on my studying and thus my average. Because of the absence of safety and stability, this academic year seems to be impossible to complete. I can hardly and sometimes never able to reach my faculty and attend the lectures; in addition to witnessing an hearing the sounds of explosions during all the studying hours in the faculty. For this reason, I had to look for a solution for this huge problem. The first step to take was improving my skills to raise my opportunities. I started to take intensive lessons in German, since most universities in German-speaking countries require a certain level of German proficiency for undergraduate programs. Still the bad conditions obliged me for about two months to stop the lessons. The second step was searching for convenient universities that offer the best opportunities and fit best to my needs. Through the search, I came across the announcement of Erasmus Mundus Program, which seemed to be the outlet I was looking for. Reading about all partner universities, the options were few because I was seeking a university that offers scholarships for degree seeking students, not just exchange students. Technische UniversitÃÆ' ¤t Berlin was the best choice for me because of the scholarships it offers and my knowledge of German language. Through further search, I found that TU Berlin has a very good rank in world ranking of universities in the major of information technology. All these reasons together made TU Berlin my number one priority among all universities. I want to study at TU Berlin because of its outstanding educational system, focus on gathering relevant work experience, and its excellent facilities. So I am confident of my decision. With many distinguished scientists as professors, I know that I will gain expert knowledge at the forefront of discovery. Further supporting professors lectures are the universitys use of advanced. All these strong positives allow me to pursue my dreams and ambitions. Given my past history of commitment to achieve my dream, I am confident that I will exceed the expectations, because of both my academic and interpersonal skills. I will enrich the program by enabling fellow students and professors to benefit from my ambitious and open nature. Furthermore, my international background will add more diversity to your program. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to your positive reply. Sincerely, Luna I like your essay, I can see the determination and will power you have in you. There are just a few grammatical errors which need to be corrected. â€Å"Where there’s a will, there’s a way,† one of the best proverbs I follow to achieve my goals and ambitions, starting from my early teenage. Since I was a student in the intermediate school, the major of study I wanted to take after high school was clear to me. Many difficulties faced me, but I could overcome all to achieve my dream in studying the major I want, Computer Science. â€Å"Where there’s a will, there’s a way,† Personally, one of my favorite proverbs and one which I have always followed to achieve my goals and ambitions? Ever since, I was a student in the intermediate school (do you mean secondary school?), the major of study I have wanted to pursue after completing high school was clear to me. I have faced many obstacles, but fortunately I overcame all of them to achieve my dream in studying the major I want, Computer Science. I used to live in Lebanon during my childhood and teenage, but in 2006 the war obliged me to leave and move to Syria, my homeland. It was quite difficult to complete studying in the Syrian schools because of the huge differences between the Syrian and Lebanese curricula. Yet I succeeded, and graduated from high school with an average of 99.16 percent. I lived in Lebanon during my childhood and teenage until the war in 2006 obliged us (you and your family?) to flee (or you can use the word return) to Syria, my homeland. I was struggling in high school because of the vast differences between the Syrian and Lebanese curricula. Yet, I managed to succeed and graduated from high school with an average of 99.16 percent. - In Syria, it is well common that the higher the student’s average is, the more probability the he/she chooses the faculty that requires high averages in high school, usually regardless what the student’s dream is. According to my average and this tradition, I was supposed to get into the major with the highest average, medicine. Yet I chose to get into the faculty of Information Technology Engineering, as the closest major to Computer Science (because this major is not found in Damascus University), ignoring all criticisms and oppositions I received. In Syria, it is a trend is/ usually/ etc/use something other than well common, that the higher a students average is, the higher the probability he/ she chooses the/a faculty (field/ major) which requires high averages in high school, regardless of what the students dream is. According to this tradition and my average, I was supposed to pick the major which requires the highest average, medicine. Yet, I chose the faculty of Information Technology Engineering, as the closest major to Computer Science (.), ignoring all the criticisms and oppositions I received.

Friday, September 20, 2019

All Toys E Business Plan Marketing Essay

All Toys E Business Plan Marketing Essay Objective: All Toys vision is to be the Worlds Greatest Kids Brand destination on the internet, not only offering parents and families a broad selection of products but to also create a magical playtime memory along with everyday essentials, being able to provide the resources necessary to keep their kids safe and happy. The aim of this e-business plan is to help our business deal with the complex problems that we may face as we develop a response to the e-business challenge. Value Proposition All Toys is a new Web-based company that sells toys over the Internet. All Toys doesnt have toy stores, salespeople, or even a delivery system. It takes orders over the Web and then uses an established shipping company to ship products to its customers. Benefits All Toys Inc. is a leading online retailer of childrens toys and products. Even though it emphasis is toys, its aims to sell parents a wide selection of products that their kids might want or need. Their entire product lines consist of more than 50,000 stock products such as childrens books, music, as well as toys. Its extensive range of toy products consists of mass-market items such as dolls and Legos, as well as other products to specialize in different taste. Altogether, All Toys carries over 500 brands which are sold exclusively on the Internet. Its web site catalogs consist of a range of products, and customers can use the sites advanced search capabilities to find items by a variety of strategies. For instance, consumers can search All Toys for toys of a specific shape, color or brand. On a regular basis the site will be updated with a list of suggestions of Bestsellers, Favorites and most popular. Moreover, All Toys website allows shoppers to sign up and register in which they will receive a birthday reminder service. The company notifies shoppers by e-mail in advance of a childs birthday, and appends a list of gifts appropriate for that age. The site also provides a Wish List service. Children or their parents can use it to e-mail friends and family members lists of the gifts they most hope for. The site also allows children to play games and other fun activities, while parents search for tips, advice and other product ideas The benefits of a new company like All toys are that they: Sell products to consumers at the lowest price possible Its a specialty online toy store Niche items and markets It hires architects and developers acquainted with the latest software techniques. The developers feel comfortable with objects, components, and distributed systems design. They use Java latest application servers to quickly build a powerful, scalable Internet commerce application, and they design their applications for growth and change. Costs and Value As a leading online retailer, All Toys must be able to deliver whatever is best for its customers and its prospective customers. This includes providing excellent customer service, being able to deliver its products in the fastest time and allowing customers to choose and compare the prices amongst the vast selection of products that All Toys offer. All Toys as an E-business will have a competitive advantage amongst other toy companies, as the following process adds value to its business operations: Cost-effective communication and marketing strategy Because your business environment becomes a focal point of your communication, e-business gives you a vital web presence (24/7 web service) Reaching new markets across the globe The internet allow businesses to target consumers from all over the world and customers can access resources from across the globe Minimize marketing costs online advertising is not often less expensive than traditional advertising. Ordering Process Implementing an online ordering system allows you to eliminate the cost of paper work and communication costs such as telephone lines and standard calls. It also offers the possibility of integrating your sales order system with order fulfillment and delivery so customers can be up to speed on the progress of their orders at all times. Potential market Competition The explosion of the internet age has forced e-businesses to compete with the long standing structure of traditional businesses (William, 2006). Although e-business offers endless opportunities for both businesses and consumers. The one main factor that differ e-business from traditional businesses is the technology that underpins the business itself. E-business is built electronically on a network, therefore without a network its completely impossible for an e-business to survive. Local Local businesses that compete for the same pool of local customers can be quite threatening to online businesses such as All Toys. Unlike traditional business who can gain trust from its prospective customers through a straight, personal contact, the web eliminates the customers privileges to experience such personal contact with both the products and organization they want to buy the products from. In traditional business, customers come to a store and have personal interaction with the organization through its sales person and then, possibly, have personal contact with the product. These types of experience somehow develop trust towards the organization and are very important for certain types of product. For example, Customers who buys toy products at their local toy store will have a better impression of the store through the interaction and communication they have with the salesperson. As a result they gain a better understanding of the store itself and the people within it. However, through an e-business store, customers are dealing with a web interface that shows nothing else but a website within a screen. Thereby, it is more difficult to determine the reliability and assurance of the website. Also, when a product is faulty, with a traditional business, customers are able to exchange the product immediately during business hours. However, it is much more difficult to do this through the web, due to procedures and other measures that needs to be done. This could take up to several days or weeks after the complaint. Nevertheless, All Toys has an advantage in that they target to a specific niche or segment of the market, which in this case are children and their parents. Traditional businesses have a disadvantage against e-businesses in that they are forced to choose a location in which they believe to attract their customer base; however it is much more difficult given the degree of adaptability in which a physical store has. For instance, when you have a physical store, there is not a lot of room for error. You can only customize your store, marketing, and product to a small extent. With an e-business, you can do massive customization, and change how and what you market, depending on your business performance (William, 2006). Moreover, the most significant difference is that e-businesses cost very little upfront when compared to traditional businesses. Starting a business on the Internet does not have the burden of a physical storefront and any expenses that accompany it. The vast majority of e-businesses are much easier to use for the customer, most sales and purchases can be done from the comfort of home. Global As competition increase in the global market, customers have a wide range of products to choose from and compare. One of All Toys major competitors are, and the traditional businesses. These firms provide a similar service with a wide range of products ranging from books, toys to music. However, All Toys differentiate itself in that it promises its customers this We bring the toy store to you, hoping to emphasize the convenience of at-home shopping versus the crowded scramble at the mall. William, S. (2006). Traditional Business vs. E-Business. Retrieved 27th April 2011 from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Taylor Heisler A Soldier’s Life A soldier’s journey throughout the Civil War began with them entering the war. At the start of the war, both sides had many men who volunteered to fight for their side. Many volunteered to fight because of patriotism, state pride, to be paid, for their religion, or even for the thrill of an adventure. Although towards the middle and end of the Civil War, volunteers were no longer as common. Both sides began to have a problem with the lack of soldiers. The Confederacy ending up creating a draft that first began drafting men ages eighteen to thirty-five, but by the end of the war the age was men forty-five to fifty. Although the Union wasn’t as in a short supply of men as the Confederacy, they also started a draft but it only made up about 6 percent of their army. While having the draft, both sides allowed the wealthy to pay $300.00 to buy their way out of serving in the Civil War. This meant most of the men who were drafted tended to be poor. This angered civilian s from both sides and riots broke out which were quieted by the armies. The Union also began accepting escaped Confederate slaves and African Americans to fight as soldiers. Becoming desperate, the Confederacy also began drafting slaves to fight in their army. After soldier’s joined the army they experienced training for the war. At the beginning of the war, neither side had a great amount of trained soldiers considering most soldiers had been farmers. A majority of officers and trainers also lacked fighting skills. Neither side had much time to train their armies but they trained the best they could. Drills were conducted to train the soldiers. The drills became a daily routine and taught their soldiers discipline and battle... ... limbs, because of the poor sanitation of the medical equipment used to remove their limbs. One of the least dangerous struggles soldiers faced was boredom. Soldiers waited at camps for action. While waiting for orders, soldiers passed time with varies methods. Soldiers would cook food, write letters to their loved ones, clean their clothes and even play games. Common games played were: baseball, dominoes, cards, chess, and checkers. A soldier experienced many hard ships beginning with being brought into the war, training, and surviving the war. Soldiers fought for their side whether they wanted to be in the war or not. They endured many long days of training and struggled to become better soldiers. A soldier not only struggled to survive a battle but also a normal day at camp. Although the armies faced the same struggles, the soldiers continued to fight.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

True Heroes of Literature: Atticus Finch, Macduff, and the Speaker in

Heroes are typically identified as firemen or police officers -- those who outwardly display courage and strength. While strength and courage are admirable, and even heroic traits, the distinguishing quality of a genuine hero is his/her selflessness. A hero is a person who does the right thing when no one is looking. In literature, there are the heros that are identified for obvious reasons and those that are overlooked because they do not fit a specific criteria. All good literature features a â€Å"backstage† hero, whose actions are not meant to reap personal gain. Possessing moral courage, a true hero does the right thing in the face of adversity. Through altruistic deeds, Atticus Finch, Macduff, and the speaker in â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover† all embody the true definition of a hero. Told through the perspective of his children, To Kill a Mockingbird, showcases Atticus Finch, a lawyer, who is a well respected, moral and righteous man living in a small town in the deep South in the 1930’s. Tom Robinson, a black man, is accused of rape. Because of the nature of the crime and the prejudice in ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ingersoll Rand (a) Decision Sheet

Ingersoll-Rand (A) Problem Statement To decide the distribution channel to use for the Centac 200, the new 200 hp centrifugal air compressor. Whether the distribution be handled by the direct sales team or use the distributor/air centre channel. Also, the case highlights merits and demerits of each of the channels in detail. Decision Clabough should opt for the direct sales team channel. Rationale for Decision Experience – Historically, the centrifugal air compressors have been handled by the direct sales team only owing to their large hp size and technical expertise required. They have the required experience to sell centrifugals. * Competition – Also, the nearest potential competition to Centac 200 is from the Z series rotary compressor from Atlas-Copco’s which is being sold by distributors. So by opting to sell through the direct sales team, IR can avoid head-on competition and also completely differentiate a rotary from a centrifugal in the market. Expertise – Considering that it is the first medium centrifugal, the direct sales team is better positioned to supply the technical expertise. They have well established service capabilities. If IR chooses the distributor channel, it will have to incur additional costs(and time) on intense distributor training. * Attractiveness – May not be attractive to distributors owing to the very low spare part requirements in centrifugals. Apart from that, IR would not want the attention of distributors to be shifted from the smaller compressors, which form a big share of its total revenues. Recommendation In order to combat the risk of sales reps ignoring the Centac 200, IR may choose to offer higher sales commission to the direct sales team on Centac 200 sales. Also, the â€Å"Full Partner Program† can be extended to centrifugals too where the distributors earn commission on references made to the sale team, thereby also involving the distributors in the process.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Defining Bullying Analysing Essay

Bullying in schools continues to be a problem faced by educational institutions today. It corresponds to the ability of both students and educators to use their power and capacity to intimidate and coerce others to follow their desires. Such realities then present negative consequences not only to the student but also to the overall capacity of the institution to facilitate opportunities for learning and growth. By seeking to identify the corresponding impact and risks associated with bullying, stakeholders in the realm of education can provide inputs and new strategies that can help promote change and pursue effective classroom management. Defining Bullying Analysing the definition of bullying, it is then crucial to determine its main scope and purpose. Here, it can be seen that using aggression, coercion, and violence are oftentimes the themes used by individuals to create situations of intimidation or torment. Under these specific circumstances, various reasons can be attributed to why people engage in bullying behaviour. Some scholars argue on the grounds of satisfying the need for control or power while some are just responding to the environment they see (Banks, 1997). Due to this, it is then crucial to understand these reasons more effectively to better identify policies and elements related towards change. Similarly, the idea of bullying also emanates from how one exercises influence and power over the other. Given that students who engage in such actions arguably have equal power than any other student in campus, the issue then here is their ability to abuse it due to specific circumstances. To elaborate further, â€Å"individuals differ in the power they can exercise over others and children need to learn not to abuse that power† (Rigby, 2003, p. 6). However, one must not try to align bullying with conflict between parties. This is because the idea here is that in bullying one exercises/has power over the other while in conflict both parties equally share an issue to argue about. It is through such interaction process that the playing field is levelled and therefore should not be mistaken for bullying. In essence, bullying does happen when students resort to misuse of their power, control, and influence towards others. Individuals commit to such actions because they believe they can while victims continue to be subjected to bullying because they continue to succumb to it (Findely, 2006). After looking at the definition of bullying, it is now crucial to identify specific ways on how such behaviour is carried out. Specifically, the main objective of any bullying behaviour is to have a specific target where individuals can utilize power and control over others. These actions can revolve from verbal abuse towards physical violence in small and frequent doses (Smith, 1999). Given the multiple ways that people can engage using verbal and physical bullying, it becomes rather difficult for educators and school administrators to point these issues accordingly unless students report such situations. What Australian Statistics Say Applying the elements of bullying in the educational system of Australia, it can be seen that considerable attention must be made to bridge gaps and develop strategies for change. In particular, several studies have noted the prevalence of the behaviour as early as preschool and continue to grow as the student progresses in his/her academic life. In particular, Rigby (2003) asserts that â€Å"assessing how often it happens is not easy, but research in Australia based on children’s reports suggests that about one child is bullied in one way or at least weekly† (p. 6). Similarly, statistics have also shown that both boys and girls do engage in bullying but illustrated using different means. For boys, they are most likely to commit physical actions and verbal abuse. On the other hand, girls tend to be more indirect and focus on ostracizing or excluding the individual from the rest of the group (Smith, 1999). This incidence greatly shows how each student is vulnerable to such threats and what different school administrators in Australia should focus on. By trying to point out and define the standards for appropriate behaviour, then the problem of bullying might be lessened. Identifying Reasons Looking closely at specific at the reasons why people engage into bullying behaviour, it can be seen that there are specific trends that illustrate behavioural and psychological conditions which hamper their ability to effectively respond according to school standards. On the behavioural perspective, different studies have argued that the main catalyst for students to practice bullying is their early exposure towards violence. They see their homes and environment they live as the norm and standard on how they should act and respond to others (Findley, 2006). Related to this process is the manner that educators showcase the bullying action themselves. Here, the practice of teacher violence emanates, either directly or indirectly, creates a mindset for students that the actions committed are valid (Riley, Lewis, and Brew, 2009). Through this, educators also serve as catalyst in expanding bullying due to their ability to influence and showcase a reality where one get what he/she wants provided that they coerce or overpower others to follow. On the other hand, there are also studies that tend to establish a psychological analysis of how bullying behaviour occurs. Specifically, it tries to argue how some children may have been suffering from conditions such as depression, ADD, or ADHD and brings about violent conduct towards other people (Ribgy, 2003). These dynamics in turn hinder the ability of a student to fully utilize their abilities and find it fearful to engage in classroom activities. Impact among bullied students Assessing the impact of bullying among students who have been subjected to it, it can be seen that these actions impede their ability to grow. In particular, students who have been subjected to such continuous behaviour often lose the ability and interest to study in schools (Banks, 1997). They see the location as threat and limit their ability to establish better means to coexist with their peers. In essence, this is one form of harassment that degrades the value of the individual and alienates them from participating in the educational endeavour and socialization (Findley, 2006). Looking closely at the specific effects of bullying, it can be seen that they revolve around the emotional as well as social levels. Particularly, students who been subjected to such harassment often lose their self-esteem and ability to isolate themselves from people at school (Smith, 1999). Since bullying may in turn correspond to a domino effect, the loss of self-esteem can lead towards the student feeling depressed and lonely. This in turn can result towards having limited motivation to go to school or engage in frequent absences (Findley, 2006). These elements are just examples of the short term effects of bullying. On the other hand, bullying can also induce negative effects in the long run. Here, an individual’s feeling of self-worth would be low and would result to accepting inadequacy as answer to this problem. Likewise, one would continue to isolate and feel powerless as they continue to tread their professional life. In addition, depression and psychological problems may also be present among students who have been bullied. More often than not, students who have been subjected to bullying behaviour have problems handling issues as they move towards their adult life (Rigby, 2003). Impact among those who Bully Analysing the impact of those who bully others, it can be seen that their actions correspond to the creation of uncertainty and insecurity within the school grounds. This especially applies for students who have not been subjected to such acts. Here, they feel that they can become victimized and create fear in the process (Rigby, 2003). These directions in turn serve to establish a bully’s ability to control the environment he/she is in. Another impact relevant effect of bullying revolves around creating opportunities for more bullies and continued disruptive behaviour. Given the idea that students do not tell teachers and administrators of what is going on in school, students feel they are powerful and can control the people around them. This then gives them the luxury to persist in abusing their power and likewise create opportunities to also influence others as well. With this environment, bullies are given the leverage to exercise what they want with limited possibility of being penalized or subjected to disciplinary measures. In the long run, bullies also are a problem for society if not addressed appropriately. Here, they can commit crime and limit their ability to engage in long term positive relationships towards other people. The threat then of criminal conviction alongside the development of specific problems on handling conflict issues with others are just some of the problems that bullies can experience in the future. Identifying Potential Risks of Bullying Student/Individual In determining the risks of bullying among students, it is important to note that since they are the ones who either engage in such behaviour or recipients of it, students are the most prone to experience the hurdle of responding and aligning their behaviour to survive such. That is why different effects, both emotionally and socially, can be seen among students and generates problems as it then relates with other potential risks such as academic achievement, teachers, and parents. Given the dynamics related to this approach, it is then essential to redefine programs that are focused on both victims of bullying and those who commit such acts. Academic Achievement Bullying also poses a risk in a student’s academic achievement. This remains to be seen especially among students who have been subject to continuous bullying and resulted to lack of motivation to go to school or partake in activities. Since some of these areas are important variables to get a good mark, academic achievement is comprised and sacrificed (Rigby, 2003). In particular, the ability to meet these standards becomes burdensome for students because they had to set the balance of adapting to bullies and the stress related to fulfilling the requirements of their subjects. Likewise, academic achievement is also at risk for bullies also because it gives them the leverage to abuse their power and gain opportunities to coerce people to follow their lead. Given that bullies have this ability, they can then ask others to do their assignment and submit specific projects or otherwise be beaten up. This then defeats the purpose of the educational process as bullies don’t learn anything and the bulk of the workload is provided to bullied students. Overall, bullying becomes a risk for academic achievement because it hinders students the ability to concentrate on their studies. Though the socialization process also is a significant precept in one’s academic life, the instance of bullying complicates the problem and leaves students the capacity to balance each of these tasks according to how they see it fit. Such reactions in turn limit students to reach their full potential and hamper their abilities to utilize their skills in academic activities (Smith, 1999). Parents and Intervention Parental intervention is also another risk that bullying creates. Under this process, parents are often clueless of what is happening to their children. Expecting that they do well in school, it can tarnish a child’s relationship with their parents especially if a student tells their parent’s they don’t want to go to school anymore or learns from their teachers that their child often absents. The basic assumption here is that since parents can exercise control, bullying hampers effective communication among parents because students feel that this can only worsen the issue they’re facing. Here, Banks (1997) point out, â€Å"students feel that adult intervention is infrequent and ineffective, and that telling adults will only bring more harassment from bullies† (p. 1). Likewise, if bullying transpires within a student-teacher relationship, then it is also another difficult aspect for students to balance. Allowing their parents to intervene would only result towards educators putting the blame on students or become intimidated further in class. The aspect then of defining misbehavior and what is the boundary between the process of ‘disciplining’ and bullying becomes an issue to consider (Lewis, Romi, Katz, and Qui, 2008). Similarly, since students find it difficult to establish and determine these boundaries accordingly, they are often left succumbing to intimidation, coercion or at times reprimand that crosses the line of how discipline should be provided. Indeed, it has always been the interests of parents to see to it that their child gets the most out of school. However, bullying impedes these expectations and at the same time serves as a barrier for students to communicate to their parents effectively. By understanding the dynamics related to the role of the parents in this issue, better means for intervention can be made available for students to use (Lewis, 2001). Teachers and Administrators Lastly, the prevalence of bullying within schools also becomes a risk among educators and administrators because it illustrates their inability to control the issue. Since both actors are valuable stakeholders in the maintenance of an effective learning environment among students, the increased incidence of bullying in schools makes them accountable to these children’s parents. Likewise, both educators and administrators need to realize that their role encompasses the insides of the classroom. They must see to it that the school environment is responsive to students need and assesses potential risks and providing solutions to these issues (Lewis and McCann, 2009). Applying this precept in the realm of student-teacher relationship, bullying also poses a risk among teachers and administrators because the incidence of such behaviour violates their roles and responsibilities within the classroom. Given that there are certain parameters that educators can use to discipline students, it must not cross the line and induce traces of intimidation, coercive action, or physical violence among students (Lewis, Romi, Qui, Katz, 2005). Seeing this, bullying makes a difficult process to develop since establishing a proper means to discipline and sanction students for misbehaviour would appear to be compromised or construed in a different way. Opening up Opportunities for Change Given the potential risks and effects that bullying does, it is then crucial to devise specific measures that can infuse changes and increase responsibility among actors involved. Here, it takes into account the role of each stakeholder in the educational process and finds means to integrate ideas and inputs to generate a facilitative response to the issue. That is why change must not come from the educational sector alone, rather it must try to reach out and allow parents, students, and the community to get involved. The purpose of this not mainly revolves around limiting the occurrence of bullying in classrooms but also generate an appropriate response on how to prepare students to effectively respond to democratic ideals and values (Lewis, 1999). Evaluation, Experience, and Education The first step in establishing providing change revolves around evaluating the current school environment. Here, educators and administrators may need to ask whether or not bullying is rampant on campus or not. Here, it is important to note that the ability to apply real change in the process involves not disregarding the realities that are happening and simply seek out to know the truth (Smith, 1999). Through such mindset, administrators can have a clear picture of what is happening in the school environment and understand the dynamics related to how students interact and respond to the issue of bullying. The next stage involves gathering experiences from students and observing what really happened. Through this, administrators can then realize how rampant the situation is and what possible strategies can be used to alleviate the issue. Seeing this, experiences matter in resolving the issue because it helps observers learn from it and gain specific insights on how to respond accordingly (Findley, 2006). Likewise, experiences also highlight the shortcomings and mistakes of the school in how they had addressed the bullying issue before. In essence, these facets can serve as useful tenets that administrators can use to define and plan out the next strategies to be used (Banks, 1997). The last part revolves around education. Under this process, administrators now provides specific inputs on what needs to be done and lays it out for educators to apply and use. Here, specific importance is given towards communicating to stakeholders about the issue that is happening, its gravity, and how it is affecting students from academics to their personal life. This remains to be important because this serves as the crucial precept in determining what actions need to be made and how different actors would respond in accordance to the issue of bullying. Likewise, education seeks to bridge inputs and policies together. This stage serves as the application phase where behaviour is patterned according to the observations and inputs gained from experience. By synchronising these inputs altogether, it helps create a dynamic process and further the ability of promoting sustainable and long term growth (Rigby, 2003). Diversifying the Anti-Bullying Campaign Given the inputs gained from experience and observation, the next step to address bullying would be to create an Ant-Bullying campaign in schools. Here, it must entail a collaboration of actors involved in the educational process and establish specific norms and responses in addressing specific cases. If an educational institution already has particular rules concerning bullying, it would be best to diversify options available. To diversify means that the scope, application, and analysis of cases must come from different actors. The purpose of this is to enrich communication patterns among stakeholders and generate new inputs on how bullying can be addressed within and outside the classroom (Rigby, 2003). The attempt to diversify must also seek to promote the aspect of inclusion. This means that decision making processes must not come from the school administration alone. Rather, it must try to include and introduce this principle to the community and parents. This is particularly relevant because it can showcase transcendence and capacity to align specific policies and behavioural changes according to the values and principles provided by the school (Banks, 1997). This then can become a good strategy for success because it merges common interests altogether and justifies what inputs need to be considered and applied. In essence, diversification entails creating a shared responsibility among actors involved in the educational process. The ability to include parents and the community within the dynamics of change, it can create better responses among students. This process can also serve to complement an educator and administrator’s increasing tasks by providing an assistive strategy related to implementation of educational goals and objectives (Findley, 2006). Opening Patterns for Communication Another crucial step to address bullying revolves around the process of infusing communication among students. The idea here is to develop the ability to track down cases of bullying and providing appropriate disciplinary measures to culprits and protection amongst victims. Here, educators, parents, and the community must work hand-in-hand to ensure that appropriate means are created to open lines of communication among students regardless of the possibility of threats from bullies (Smith, 1999). The value of communication then is to help ascertain the degree of bullying happening in school and determine what actions need to be made in order to accomplish these directives. Strengthening Disciplinary and Protection Measures Alongside the development of openness in communication patterns, educators and administrators should also contribute their part in providing concrete and available means to exercise disciplinary and assistive measures for bullying. The main reason why many students don’t complain about this issue is the fear of retaliation and the ability to distrust how the overall process works (Banks, 1997). Due to this, the capacity to strengthen strategies and instruments related to the process discipline can then motivate students to take part in the initiative to stand up against bullying. At the same time, inducing means for protection and counselling would also complement the ability to limit the occurrence of bullying. By providing specific and goal-oriented strategies, educators and administrators can align behaviour according to the needs of a student. Allowing students to take part in this endeavour also justifies that the school administration is committed in putting an end to bullying rather than just trying to control. Thus, redefining the rules and regulations to meet these requirements can induce positive outcomes and carry out means to shape students for the better (Lewis, 1999). Reinforcing Accountability and Responsibility among Educators Given the idea that bullying can also transpire in a student-teacher relationship, it also crucial to reinforce accountability and responsibility among educators. Here, it revolves around facilitating the value of openness and professionalism of practice. Under this process, specific rules can be modified and changed to adapt to the trends of 21st century education. By doing this process, it can allow educators to become more responsive and address the increasing needs of students in the classroom. Arguing further on the need to redefine rules, it is also crucial for administrators to take into consideration defining the boundaries of what the aspect of ‘discipline’ and bullying diverge. Since educators can also be subjected to stress, pressure, and emotional conditions that distracts them from achieving their purpose, it is then essential to outline specific strategies that can help handle misbehaviour and occurrences of bullying inside the classroom. By redefining and aligning these principles with respect to educational norms and the needs of educators, the idea of reinforcing discipline and sanctions would become constructive and induce better means for addressing student behaviour (Lewis, Romi, Qui, and Katz, 2005). In essence, the increasing roles and responsibilities sometimes limit the educator to function to his/her optimum capacity. By trying to align and create changes in the way educators operate, it can help induce greater means for educators to effectively facilitate classroom management and diversify opportunities to address bullying. Conclusion To conclude, bullying is a huge issue in classroom management that educators and other relevant stakeholders need to consider. This is because it takes into account the ability of both educator and student to use their power and position to promote intimidation and coercion to other people. Similarly, it creates negative consequences on the bully and those bullied in terms of their ability to respond to the environment, motivation, to study, and other behavioural long term effects. Bullying also creates risks on different facets shaping learning and professional development among educators. Given these challenges, it is then crucial to outline policies for change. It is important to note that the ability to transcend in this type of environment inside and outside the classroom corresponds to the recognition and redefinition of student behaviour. At the same time, it must also try to incorporate openness in communication and value inputs gained from experiences in the past. Fundamentally, the basis for managing and preventing bullying from happening circumvents from the recognition of each member’s role and aligning these ideas within policies and rules. In the end, as the current educational system continues to undergo changes that affects the role of students, educators, administrators, and other stakeholders, classroom management issues such as bullying would always be existent. The challenge then is to ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place to address the situation and effectively carry out patterns to make appropriate changes and models suitable to meet the demands of today’s 21st century educational environment. List of References Banks, R (1997), ‘Bullying in Schools’, ERIC Digest, viewed 29 Jul. 2010, http://www. ericdigests. org/1997-4/bullying. htm Findley, I (2006) Shared Responsibility: Beating Bullying in Australian Schools, Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia. Lewis, P (1999), ‘Preparing students for democratic citizenship: Codes of conduct in Victoria’s ‘Schools of the Future’’, Educational Research and Evaluation, vol. 5 no. 1, pp. 41-61 Lewis, R (2001), ‘Student Responsibility and Classroom Discipline: The Students View’, Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 17 no. 1, pp 307-319 Lewis, R and McCann, Tricia (2009), ‘Teaching â€Å"At Risk† Students: Meeting Their Needs’, International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching. LJ Saha and AG Dworkin (eds), Springer Science + Business Media LLC, US Lewis, R, Romi, S, Katz, Y, and Qui, X (2008) ‘Student’ reaction to classroom discipline in Australia, Israel, and China, Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 24 no. 1, pp. 715-724 Lewis, R, Romi, S, Qui, X, and Katz, YJ (2005), ‘Teachers’ classroom discipline and student misbehavior in Australia, China and Israel’ Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 21 no. 1, pp. 729-741 Rigby, K (2003), Bullying among young children: a guide for teachers and careers, Commonwealth of Australia, viewed 29 Jul 2010, http://www. ag. gov. au/agd/WWW/rwpattach. nsf/VAP/(1E76C1D5D1A37992F0B0C1C4DB87942E)~Bullying+Teachers. pdf/$file/Bullying+Teachers. pdf Riley, P, Lewis, R, and Brew, C (2009), ‘Why did you do that ? Teachers explain the use of illegal aggression in the classroom, Teaching and Teacher Education, pp. 1-8 Smith, PK (1999) The nature of school bullying: a cross-national perspective, Routledege, US

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Deviant Behavior Essay

One man having more than one wife can be a deviant behavior depending on the country and a person’s beliefs. Polygamy is considered normal and lawful in many countries, but it is outlawed in the United States. The people that believe in it say that monogamy is not natural and it oppresses the social structure. Those against it, say it is a religious offense, or that it violates a spouse’s right to intimacy. The Mormon belief is that polygamy is holy and was practiced commonly in ancient times. Having more than one wife is not only natural it is expected in most cases. However in other societies, some believe it is not only wrong but it’s also against the law. The law can be tricky at times especially when it involves religion because as long as a man is following the Mormon faith he can have more than one wife I think. The majority of incarcerated people live below the poverty level because they can’t afford to hire a good attorney and have to settle for the one appointed to them. However, those with money and power can buy just about anything, whether it’s a good lawyer, or to bribe people in high places. The deviant behavior of the powerful is generally considered to be their business and would normally be ignored by society. Someone who is less powerful would have to accept it and deal with whatever punishment they are given. If the wealthy and powerful are lucky enough, they will do a short Federal prison time. The less fortunate go straight to jail or prison. For example, if an average person gets pulled over for a DUI, they will usually get their liscense suspended, serve 30 days or so in jail, and have large fines to pay. A person of power will most likely be able to post bond within a few hours and pay court fines as soon as they can.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Definition of art Essay

A number of people have asked about the value of addressing aesthetics, the philosophy of art, or the definition of art. The reasoning is that if it is so difficult to define, it must therefor be ultimately subjective, and each person should just determine for herself what it is. Perhaps we all do determine for ourselves the meaning of anything. Because, as in the â€Å"tree falling in the forest† example, the meaning does not exist if it does not exist for me personally. I am allowed to define â€Å"table† or â€Å"chair† any way I wish for myself, but if I hope to communicate with others about tables and chairs, the meaning or definition must be shared. And that shared meaning derives from a combination of (a) acquired meanings from those whom we give credibility and (b) connotations developed from our experiences with tables and chairs. If there were really no way to define art, there would be no way to determine what is art, and art could be anything. Fortunately, art can be defined, although not succinctly in verbal form, as we might define â€Å"table† or â€Å"chair. † We learn the definition indirectly through understanding why works have been labeled art by critics and artists in the past, and directly by understanding the perspectives of those critics and artists. From the standpoint of complete subjectivity, if art can be anything, it is meaningless as a term == art is everything and nothing. There is nothing that is not art, so everything is art. The term â€Å"art† has no shared meaning and has no value in communication, and yet we use it all the time. By what criteria do you determine what is art for yourself? Because it pleases you? Because it pleases your friends, or someone you respect, or most people around you? What criteria constitute pleasing? What does it do to please? From another perspective, other than pragmatic needs, by what criteria do we select a season? Or what material we place in museums? By what criteria do we judge quality? How do we determine â€Å"good† from â€Å"not good? † Whatever criteria we use become our criteria for our aesthetic, which then become, in fact, our definition of our art. It is useful and valid for us to question what those criteria are, to challenge the validity of those criteria, and to constantly explore new criteria to define the art experience. In order to comprehend the options of criteria, the kinds of questions to ask of our criteria, the possible limits of our personal vision, it is worthwhile to explore the explorations of others. Understand that the definition of art and the determination of quality are linked and mutually affected. Alter one and the other is changed. One additional concern is the value in trying to understand how art works have meaning. Once we begin to explore this as artists, our work instantly changes dimension. It moves from the surface to the soul and allows us to refocus on the meaningful.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Avoiding Physical Punishment In Child Rearing Essay

, Research Paper Is # 8220 ; saving the rod # 8221 ; botching or salvaging the kid? Is force, bitterness, choler or fright worth the hazard taken when striking him or her. Whether your for or against utilizing physical penalty in kid development, as a parent, you will someday hold to confront this issue. Many parents are taught this method in their childhood, and are non cognizant of any other manner. Often arising from faith, physical or bodily penalty is seen as an of import ingredient in kid raising. This tool is used to carry through entire authorization by the parent and to have entire entry from the kid. Physical penalty may be convenient and achieve impermanent conformity, but produces negative consequences, and should be avoided. HISTORICALLY Punishment day of the months back to early human history. To keep the Torahs that were created for societal life, punishments were developed for the persons who could non stay by them. Authoritarianism changed the grounds behind penalty ; alternatively of protecting society from the felon, it became a manner for the # 8220 ; Chiefs to command the Indians. # 8221 ; It placed the leaders above everyone else, forestalling the people # 8217 ; s sentiments from numbering ; an antidemocratic society. As illustrated by Dreikurs and Grey, # 8220 ; Those in bid were superior and hence right ; those whom they ruled were inferior and hence incorrect if they disagreed with the swayers # 8221 ; ( 66 ) . Physical penalty has been approved in history as # 8220 ; the function of authorization, # 8221 ; as a declaration of power. Penelope Leach provinces, # 8220 ; Physical penalty was one time an recognized portion of any relationship that gave one single legitimate authorization over others # 8211 ; maestro over slave, retainer or married woman ; officer over lower ranks ; jurisprudence hatchet man over jurisprudence ledgeman ; employer over learner # 8211 ; but that is history ; we have cosmopolitan human rights now # 8211 ; cosmopolitan except for kids, that is # 8221 ; ( 126 ) . Teaching entire authorization by the parent, most Conservative Protestants use bodily penalty today as their sires did. In Spare the Child, Philip Greven points out, # 8220 ; Modern signifiers of Christian Fundamentalism portion the same compulsions with obeisance to authorization feature of earlier manners of Evangelical Protestantism, and the same autocratic run evident among 17th # 8211 ; and eig hteenth-century Anglo-American Evangelicals is discernable today, for exactly the same grounds: the coercion of kids through painful penalties in order to learn obeisance to divine and parental authorization # 8221 ; ( 198 ) . The thought many old ages ago is obvious, society felt that physical penalty was necessary for obeisance. With survey and research over clip, successful kid raising has changed to bring forth better consequences. Dr. Benjamin Spock adds, # 8220 ; In the olden yearss, most kids were spanked, on the premise that this was necessary to do them act. In the 20th century, as parents and professionals have studied kids here and in other states, they have come to recognize that kids can be well behaved, concerted, and polite without of all time holding been punished physically # 8221 ; ( 437 ) . Recognizing the impact this antique method can hold on a kid, society is altering their positions on how we should train. We are traveling off from bullying and hurting tactics to more effectual, positive methods. EFFECTS / RESULTS To be more effectual in child raising we must foremost recognize the unsought consequences that can come from utilizing physical penalty. When a parent strikes a kid, they are learning that kid to cover with jobs in a violent mode. As an opposition to bodily penalty, Murray Straus writes, # 8220 ; I am non stating the grounds is unequivocal. I believe future research will corroborate the decisions that the force we so abhor and fright has portion of its beginnings in the actions of loving parents who, by paddling kids, accidentally learn force? We should move now because bodily penalty is force. Therefore, irrespective of whether it reduces what most people think of as the existent force, a society that stops hitting kids is a less violent and more humanist society # 8221 ; ( qtd. in Ellison paragraph 22 ) . Negative influence is another disadvantage of physical penalty. An grownup influences a kid utilizing physical penalty, exposing a deficiency of self-denial by the parent. Physical penalty besides implants bitterness, choler and fright of the parent. Causing bitterness, choler or fright in a kid can ensue in # 8220 ; blowback # 8221 ; of the penalty. Hiting a kid displays a deficiency of regard for them and engender rebellion. For illustration, metres are placed to necessitate payment for impermanent parking. Exceeding the clip bound or declining to pay can ensue, if your caught, in a all right. Just being cognizant of the effects of misdemeanor can assist to implement this regulation. However, many people will park without paying if they feel they can acquire off without a punishment. Similarly, a kid having a spanking will reiterate the act if he or she realizes he or she can avoid acquiring caught. It has been argued by professionals that the usage of physical penalty has been a factor in forestalling self-esteem, assurance, creativeness and rational independency ; doing delinquency, depression and disaffection. Used excessively frequently, physical penalty can lose its steam, and lead to child maltreatment. Option There are successful, alternate methods in training for physical penalty. Keeping consistence, being sort yet house is a critical portion of utilizing these alternate methods. Understanding it is the importance that we place in an issue, and non the step of penalty given, that makes the difference. Penelope Leach writes, # 8220 ; Many kids have so learned to postpone bedtime about indefinitely, but merely because parents are excessively tired to follow through. If those same kids need medicine for a chronic unwellness such as asthma, they take it without a murmor because parents are convinced that it truly affairs and are hence clear, confident and consistent in their insisting # 8221 ; ( 125 ) . Of the many alternate methods for subject, a few to discourse are the # 8220 ; Law of Reinforcement, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Time-out, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Immobilization # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; Logical or Natural Consequences. # 8221 ; The # 8220 ; Law of Reinforcement # 8221 ; was devised by the first educational psychologist, E.L. Thorndike. It was latter revised and polished by B.F. Skinner. This method is simple, a kid will reiterate an act or behaviour if the consequences are delighting to him or her. As noted by Dr. James Dobson, # 8220 ; Behavior which achieves desirable effects will repeat # 8221 ; ( 64 ) . Something to see with this method is the wagess promised as a consequence of good behaviour must follow instantly. They can non be long-run wagess, such as a friend remaining nightlong subsequently in the hebdomad, or a holiday subsequently in the twelvemonth. Exploitation wagess at the incorrect clip, such as assuring them to a kid that is in rebelliousness, can besides be a error. Furthermore, the wagess need non be material, forestalling them from going graft. Therefore, utilizing verbal support ( personal regards ) can be much more effectual. Another method in subject is # 8220 ; time-out # 8221 ; . This removes the kid from a state of affairs until he or she changes the improper behaviour and regains his or her calm. This method should non be used excessively often, and should ever follow with an account of why the behaviour is non acceptable. Harmonizing to Larry Reibstein, # 8220 ; The Newsweek canvass showed that 71 per centum of parents frequently or sometimes used timeouts # 8221 ; ( 64 ) . Immobilization is a technique used less frequently for kids runing from 7 to 14 months that can non command their behaviour of, for illustration, hitting another kid or an grownup. After a warning has been given, the kid should be placed on your lap or a chair and held down until the kid is unagitated and you can explicate to him or her the ground this is unacceptable. This technique is limited in many ways and should be used carefully, and at a lower limit. Covering with a kid with Logical or Natural Consequences can be an effectual option. Teaching the kid the effects that result from a specific action can either be logical or natural. Logical significance if a kid does something incorrect, the effects can be bad, typically brought approximately by the parent. Natural significance if a kid does something incorrect, the effects can be bad, typically brought about by some kind of physical world. Dr. Loren Grey acknowledges the logical method, # 8220 ; Even though the consequence is arranged by the parent, the kid sees it as his ain action and normally a repeat of the consequence is non needed to act upon alteration # 8221 ; ( 47 ) . Refering natural effects, Dr. Grey writes, # 8220 ; If a little kid runs his caput into a tabular array and hurts it, no warnings or repeated illustrations are necessary to convert him to avoid that in the hereafter # 8221 ; ( 46 ) . Contained in this paper are a few of the many options to physical penalty. There are many more ways to convey about alteration in a kid # 8217 ; s behaviour. Striking a kid is a certain manner to learn force as a solution to jobs, produce bitterness towards the parent and transfuse choler or fright in the kid. Becoming more educated with the options, parents can play an of import function in supplying a less violent society. Along with these options, parents should be sort yet steadfast and should ever keep consistence. Dobson, James. Dare to Discipline. Wheaton, Ill: Tyndale House Publishers, 1970. Ellison, Christopher G. # 8220 ; Conservative Protestantism and the Corporal Punishment of Children: Clarifying the Issues # 8221 ; . The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion v35, n1 ( 1996 ) : 1-16. Greven, Philip. Spare the Child. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991. Grey, Loren. Discipline Without Fear: Child Training During the Early School Old ages. New York: Hawthorn Books Inc. , 1974. Leach, Penelope. Children First: What Society must make # 8211 ; and is non making # 8211 ; for Children Today. New York: Vintage Books, 1994. Reibstein, Larry. # 8220 ; The Debate over Discipline # 8221 ; . Newsweek Spring-Summer 1997: 64. # 8220 ; Sparing the Rod to Salvage the Child # 8221 ; . Editorial. New Statesman and Society. 24 June 1994: 5. Spock, Benjamin and Micheal B. Rothenberg. Dr. Spock # 8217 ; s Baby and Child Care. New York: Dutton, 1992. Straus, Murray. Beating the Devil Out of Them: Bodily Punishment in American Families and Its Effectss on Children. Boston: Lexington Books, 1994.